
What makes you a Big Blogger?

Today I find myself feeling overly miffed about the 'big blogger' status. Usually I'm not one for participating in  negative activity on online platforms but I like to share my feelings with you guys and today I need to get it off my chest. 

I feel like this is a bit of a taboo subject but as we love to state: this is my blog and I write about what I feel passionately for. 

What makes you a 'big blogger'? Numbers? 
I completely understand that it is difficult to respond to every comment or reply to every tweet. Hell, I sometimes find it difficult with my lovely little following to get back to people straight away so I can imagine that bloggers with thousands of followers find it tricky. But do you know what I do find odd - that you can write to a 'big blogger' with a simple tweet and never receive a response, yet at exactly the same time they can be tweeting fellow big bloggers or bloggers they deem 'bigger' than themselves with clear access to your query, or the time to reply to others. And yes, I completely appreciate that if you receive a thousand tweets saying 'I WANT TO BE YOU' that it's probably not practical to reply to each one, but with a genuine question it really grates on me. And what's the response to this? 'I love all of my followers, but sometimes I miss tweets and don't have time to read and reply to absolutely everything' - but you manage to catch the names that are important - non?

Can we just determine where this status even comes from? What ever happened to equals and sharing the love? 
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Personally I feel like there are groups and cliques and if you're not apart of it then you're made to feel inadequate or not worthy of acknowledgement - it reminds me of the playground at school. Perhaps it's not the bloggers directly who are creating this void, but somewhere someone or something is segregating what should be a fun, caring community. 
I am also not tarring each blogger with the same brush. There are heaps of big status bloggers that don't do any of the above or give the impression of superiority.

All I really want to get across is that I wish there weren't statuses, I wish that each and every blogger treated others as they would wish to be treated and I wish that brands and PR companies alike would help share the love a little more. At the end of the day, when you click on to 5 big paid bloggers sites and all of them are talking about the same product it starts to feel a little unbelievable - if everything was evened out a little more perhaps the void would decrease slightly? I am not at all slating gifted products or paid posts, I have and will continue to participate in both, but it's how you present yourself that counts.

I also understand that numbers means business, it's completely fair that if you work hard at your blog and readers follow along that companies will look to you before bloggers with less readers (that's just life) - however you are still a regular person, why is there this odd air of greatness that goes hand in hand with a large 'following'? 

I am so proud of my blog and personally feel so overwhelmed and grateful by how much it has changed and grown over the past year - there is nothing wrong with being proud!!
On a similar note, I went to the Company Style Blogger Awards recently and it was the most refreshing lovely experience. Every single blogger that I spoke to felt like a long lost friend and pretty much every single one I'd spoken to before on social platforms. There wasn't any intimidation or 'cliques, it was just us, celebrating blogging. Funnily enough I don't think there were any bloggers there that had tens of thousands of followers. Perhaps this is the start of good things to come in the blogging community - everyone as an equal.

I hope that this isn't received negatively and that people can see where I am coming from. Blogging is meant to be fun, whether it's a hobby or your full time job it shouldn't matter, we are all one and the same and should support each other.
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