
My Week in Photo's | Instagram Issue #1

So, I've finally moved away from the dark side (owning a blackberry, or crapberry as I like to call it), & moved on to pastures new....IPHONE LAND!!! Whoooppeeeee. I know, I know, it's just a phone, but it's a bloomin' good one isn't it?

& of course, I've hopped on the instagram bandwagon & thought, you might like to see my first week in photo's? Drum roll please.............


Moo-Moo Milkshake Cafe (it's definitely named after me) | The scariest book, ever | My boyfriend made dolls of us, that's kinda how we roll | Reminiscing over old holiday snaps | The view I wake up to everyday | BEST CANDLE EVER | Black Swan Shoot | My ickle sister's wonderful creation | Boots & wooly socks in summer | Dinner | Boy, mid-day snooze | Wedding ready | Cupcake Wedding Cakes! | First Dance | Snoooooopy | Funny old man watching England

How was your week? What did you get up to?

Plus, can I just add, I logged on this morning & had somehow hit 300 subscribers!! THREE HUNDRED?! To me, that is actually mental. & I am so unbelievably chuffed. Thank you so much :) I cannot believe anyone sits down & actually reads my waffle. Eeeeeee *happy dance*

Ooh, if you do have instagram & want to follow me, my username is: wonderfuly0u


Wedding table settings

These beautifully styled tables, give a chic yet not too serious feling thanks to the graphic fabrics and prints that are used.


Schumacher - Fabric - Zenyatta Mondatta in Peacock

Ah, my new love Schumacher - Zanyatta Mondatta in Peacock. I just ordered a yard of this to make a couple pillows out of it for my living room. I love the energetic colors and the clean lines!

Can't wait!

Matteo 4 months

Today is Matteo´s 4th month day.
He is getting wiser and brabbeling my head of, and he makes me smile every time he laughs with a wide open mouth, showing his two teeth...wasn´t able to catch that on a picture. When he sees a camera he stops smiling and looks curious to the black thing, same as with the iphone..such a shame.
It´s very nice weather outside and we are going to make a stroll.


New friendship bracelets

Hope you had a terrific weekend. Mine passed by too quickly. We have new bracelet designs! The above ones we called Cougar me friendship bracelets. And the other ones are the Skull me friendship bracelets.

One of a kind and now available over at Leonor Designs


I got:

This weekend wasn't off to a very good start even though today we made more then the most of it. Actually Friday my boys woke up sick, maybe a 24 hour stomach bug or something? It was weird and lets just say...

I got, a chance to sterilize there bedroom, toys, mattresses, crib, everything.

Then while they were napping I dove into my closet and...

I got, to organizing!! (to be continued)

I got, a BIG work out chasing my boys around the play ground and honestly was so relived to get out from underneath my shell, also known as "my house"... Any other moms feel like they get to caught up at home? We'll it's ok. I'm determined to make a difference in that. So I've started a list of things I'm going to try every other day with my kids HERE.

I got, a little wet at the new wave pool in Tacoma! We had the very best time always heard some sort of phrase referring to how twins look like a ton of work as I constantly wrangled the boys up ;) We'll be back soon... Love that place! Certainly check it out if your in the area. I'm going to buy a membership.

Now their down for a nap and I got, me a little kiss!

I hope you all are having a fantastic weekend!!

Outfit Post | Heart Boobs, Oh yes.

Last night, I spent the evening sipping on one too many koppaberg’s & stuffing my face with hog roast (nom); at a very lovely ladies wedding reception. I haven’t been to a wedding for absolutely ages, so thought it would be silly not to invest in a new dress for the occasion! & I also thought; why not cease the opportunity to do my first outfit post for y’all?! ;) I don’t know why, but I was a little bit nervous of posting an OOTD kinda post; just in case you guys were sat there thinking, ew, that girl looks vile...but I decided to do it anyway! Ha.

FACE: Collection 2000 lasting perfection concealer: Fair. bare minerals SPF15 foundation: medium beige. Bare Minerals all over face color: warmth. Nars Blush: Desire. Bare Minerals Illuminating mineral veil. Body Shop shimmer cubes. Collection 2000 fast stroke Eyeliner. Collection 2000 Glam Crystals. Topshop lipstick: Infrared.
As you may have read in one of my previous posts, I’m no longer a raving fan of topshop, & their hugely overpriced garments. However, this dress had to be an exception. I mean, seriously, it’s ridiculously cute isn’t it? Hearts on your boobs, what more could you want?

Yes, it was quite pricey. £48 to be exact; BUT I did get 10% off, which completely justifies the purchase, right? If you want to get your hands on it, you can find it here. My shoes were stolen from my mother & are Dorothy Perkins, ooh la la. The vintage bag I picked up for £2 from a charity shop in Leicester, mmhmm, you read that right, TWO POUNDS, I’m pretty much in love with it. I thought I'd drop in a cheeky face picture too; of me looking rather tipsy & awful, just in case you wanted to achieve that sort of look ;)

I’m spending today mainly eating roast dinner, and begrudgingly leaving the house to watch England play, meh. Did you all have a lovely weekend? Hope so :)



Cream Blush | Yves Saint Laurent - heart shape swatch here

Gestern war offzieller Sommeranfang. Abends nach der Arbeit war das Wetter dann auch richtig schön sonnig. Ich würde gern mehr mit Sonnenlichtfotos experimentieren, aber dafür fehlt (mal wieder -_-) die Zeit.
 In meiner letzten Studienarbeit habe ich mit Acrylglas (Plexiglas) gearbeitet. Ein wirklich tolles (und leider extrem teures ~_~) Material für besondere Designarbeiten. Es muss eben nicht immer "schweres" Glas sein. Der Behälter meines YSL Blushes ist da ein schönes anschauliches Beispiel. Manche bemängeln es als Qualitätsmanko, aber man sollte bedenken, dass Glas schwerer ist als Acrylglas und wer will schon zusätzliche Kilos ( ok, in diesem Fall eher Gramm) in seiner Handtasche? - von daher: hier wurde eben auch praktisch gedacht!

Yesterday was officially the begin of summer in Germany. In the evening after work the weather was quite nice and sunny. I really would like to experiment more with sunlight photographs outside, but (unfortuately again -_-) time is rare.
In my last study project i was working with acrylic glass (plexiglass). A great ( and very expensive ~_~) material for special design works. I does not have to be "heavy" glass all the time. The container of my YSL blush is a nice example. Some people complaining about it as some kind of quality loss, but you should think about the fact that normal glass has much more weight than acrylic glass and which lady wants to carry around some extra kilos (ok, in this case gram) in her handbag? - so this is practicality!


Longing for a tropical destination

I can´t complain, living near the beach with Spanish temperatures, I can escape and enjoy some good free time. But still I am really longing for a nice, peaceful, sunny tropical retreat, and this house reminded me of that, just by looking at the pictures makes me wonder away in my thoughts. I think one of the most happy and memorable vacations I had was with my parents by the age of 10, we went to Barbados. The people, climate, music and food makes me want to go back and relive it again.

To which destination have you been that was so incredibly nice you want to go again?

Mermaid Party.

Paiges of styles makes the most, incredible party palates. I've been so impressed with her work and have enjoyed following her blog for a while now. So, when she loaded this image on Facebook of her newest work I knew I had to share it with my readers! Isn't if fantastic!?

Look at all the detail: The live animal, the bubbles the floral choice... ah! It gives me so many ideas for Liam & Ethans party on the 2nd of July.

Amazing job!


Horse painting

A horse painting is one of my favorites, especially when it is XL

Things I like on Craigslist.

I am shocked no one in the Bay area has picked this up. Someone do it already :)

Such a unique amazing set

This set is a steal at $325 because it also comes with a china hutch. 

I'd go high gloss black with this fabric or white chairs white cushions and chartreuse piping

I also really like this dining set for $220. It's screams Elle Decor, check out the rest of the pictures

Here is the link to my Craigslist Pintrest pin board. I'd love to hear if you've found something on my treasure list and picked it up. I know a few of you have and I just love hearing about it!


Paint you pants.

Paint your pants? Oh...! I got a good laugh out of this one. As I paint furniture almost every day (as my job) I am always naturally covered like this. So when I get a chance to get out in my "nice clothes" I'm truly feeling majorly polished but hey! next time I head out maybe I just have to think about it in a different way. 

Throw on my:

paint pants
tory butch flats
marc hand bag

and I'm gone!...

On that note I'm excited to go back to work part time soon as my big girl job, you know? the one I went to school for years for. :)

Actually, it will be fantastic! There's just something about a 9-5 that eases my mind. You'd think it's easy to work from home but, sometimes it's not. Many furniture RE-designers like me have real jobs  and balance there furniture business on the side. I'm excited for this step. Clementine & Olive will have an online shop opening in July! So it will be easy to navigate whats still for sale and whats sold.

I love changes :)