
HAUL | Spontaneous Primark shopping!

When I go Primark shopping on a mission to buy certain clothes/stuff, it usually ends up disappointing and results in stuff I don't really need or really like. But when I don't really plan to go to Primark but just happens to past by with a friend, the best things are found which is really bad for my wallet.
So I didn't really plan to go to Primark, but I do needed those shoe liners for my Flyknits, so I decided to go there for a quick second.. Which as you probably can guess took a bit longer than a second.

First thing I found and fell head over heels is this marble/see-through striped cropped shirt. And yes, I did bought two of them.. Because I couldn't decide to have it in my normal size or a size up. I'm crazy like that. It was 8euros though, so it wasn't that bad of a decision. Next item I found was this blouse which reminds me of 'batik' and thought it would be cute for the summer with a white short or skirt. This was a bit pricey though for Primark, 14 euros. When I saw these heels I couldn't decide which to take. I have a wedding ceremony to attend to but still don't have the dress, so I thought white strappy heels are usually safe same goes for the black strappy heels, plus they're super cute! Each was 15euros. The last few items are just some basic necessities I thought I should have. The pink bag arm bracelet is for me to attempt to run outside and get some cardio outdoors. Hope it will help me.

What do you think of this Primark haul?
(sorry for the inconsistency of the colours on the pictures, I edited it on my iPhone (yes I changed my phone, finally!) which made it hard to match all pictures)

x J. 


OOTD & HAUL | How I wear my flyknits

MANGO dress, Tally Weily bag, RayBan sunglasses, Nike flyknit lunar 2

Soo.. I bought some new NIKES and I really shouldn't but I was thinking about it the whole time while I was in the library 'studying'. I couldn't stop thinking about it, it was 20% off at Zalando. So just to get me back to work, I bought them.. And it totally was worth it! I can wear this for running, the gym and even on a daily basis when I'm running some errands. This is how I would style them when I'm just getting through the day, heading to the library again. I love how the simple and versatile this dress from Mango is. The other day I wore this with some heels and it instantly gives you a chic look while pairing it with these sneakers will give you a more casual look! 

What do you think of this outfit? How would you wear these sneakers?

x J.

(btw have you voted for me already for the HEMA design competition? If you haven't, you should! click here)


Caudalie Divine Legs and Oil

Today i am finally reviewing the Caudalie products 'Divine Oil' and 'Divine Legs'.
Caudalie Divine Legs is a tinted body lotion with a self tanning effect 
- best results can be seen if you have very fair skin (❛ั◡❛ัღ)
Nevertheless, this lotion is suitable for all skin types.
According to Caudalie this tinted lotion is 92,8% of natural origin - which is a great plus.
Oh and i am not kidding when i say, that this lotion smells like japanese soy sauce at first glance (=^‥^).

Heute komme ich endlich mal dazu die längst überfällige Review zu den Caudalie Produkten zu schreiben, die ich auf dem  Caudalie Blogger Dinner Event erhalten habe (◡‿◡). Im Fokus stehen heute das Huile Divine (Divine Oil) und das Jambes Divines (Divine Legs) aus dem Hause Caudalie (ich belasse es der Einfachheit im Nachfolgenden bei den englischen Bezeichnungen). Das Parfum Divin de Caudalie, welches hier nicht zu sehen ist, stelle ich an anderer Stelle noch mal gesondert vor.

Caudalie Divine Legs - Tinted body lotion
Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Selbstbräunungslotion ohne Selbstbräuner - genauer gesagt ist es ein getöntes Körperfluid, das die natürliche Bräune der Haut aktiviert. Wie man sich vielleicht schon denken kann, eignet sich diese Tinted body Lotion (die übrigens für alle Hautfarben geeignet ist) aber am besten auf heller Haut (❛ั❛ั), denn hier sieht man den Bräunungseffekt besonders deutlich. Oben auf dem Foto seht Ihr die Lotion auf dem rechten Bein aufgetragen (den Fuß habe ich hier ausgespart).
Die Bräune sieht sehr natürlich aus, allerdings trocknet die Tinted body Lotion, wie auf dem Pumpspender beschrieben, sehr schnell. Wenn man also etwas zu trockene Haut hat oder man nicht sauber und gleichmäßig aufträgt, kann das Ergebnis schnell fleckig werden, wenn man versucht nochmals über die gleiche Stelle aufzutragen. Die Lotion ist aber ganz einfach wieder mit Wasser abwaschbar - färbt jedoch auch bei leichter Reibung ab, daher vorsicht bei hellen Stoffen oder Möbeln!
Die Lotion besteht laut Angabe von Caudalie zu 92,8% aus natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen (ich meine übrigens, dass die Lotion irgendwie sehr stark nach Soja-Soße riecht - und zwar die Sorte, die man beim Japaner zum Sushi gereicht bekommt (=^‥^) - doch keine Sorge, dieser Geruch verliert aber nach und nach an Intensität, sodass man schließlich nur noch zum Anbeißen aussieht ().

Caudalie Divine Oil for body, face and hair is definitely my favorite.
The smell of it is simply amazing - there absolutely is no better word than 'Divine' to describe the smell. 
However, be aware if you are using it on your hair when you got thin and fine hair 
- it will look greasy if you unintentionally apply too much.
Therefore i would rather recommend to use it as a body oil after shower.

Caudalie Divine Oil - Body, Face, Hair
So, und nun das Allerbeste zum Schluss: Mein absoluter Favorit ist auf jedenfall das Caudalie Divine Oil. Man kann es für Körper, Gesicht und Haare verwenden. Der Duft ist einfach himmlich - hier passt die Produktbeschreibung einfach wunderbar zum Produkt - ein 'himmliches Öl'.
Allerdings würde ich Vorsicht walten lassen falls Ihr dünnes und feines Haar habt und das Öl in Eure Haarpflege Routine einbinden wollt - denn wenn Ihr versehentlich zu viel auftragt, sehen die Haare schnell fettig und strähnig aus - also in diesem Fall am besten das Öl in die Handflächen sprühen und nur die Haarspitzen bearbeiten. Für den ultimativen Wohlfühlfaktor empfehle ich außerdem das Öl als Körperöl nach dem Duschen aufzutragen - eingehüllt in diesen himmlischen Duft kann man jeden noch so anstrengenden und aufregenden Sommertag schön und angenehm ausklingen lassen ٩(˙▿˙.


Rimmel Stay Matte Primer Review

Rimmel Stay Matte Primer Review

Hi there guys and as always welcome to my blog,if you have landed here and you have not subscribed then please do so,my links are over there to subscribe via google friends or bloglovin >>>>>
It always makes me eekkk with joy when i get a new follower so please please click that button as as you will see i'm on Youtube and everywhere else too.

This is a quick review on the Rimmel Stay matte primer.
So i was not a primer sort of gal going back about 6-12 months ago i never used to want to give it a go or try it,but oh dear vinny what have you been missing lol.I myself have oily skin so this is prob not great for people with dry skin although they do have a normal primer with a blue lid which i liked too until i tried this beauty.
I have now tried a few primers and i really don't like the silicone based ones much,i have tried the Urban Decay one which i loved as yes silicone type based but very velvet silky but way too pricey for me,so then i tried the Revlon Photo ready primer which i love and still love today as it cover my pores too really well but still is a tad silicone based...which leads me onto this Rimmel one where you will find in lot's of retail outlets like Superdrug,Boots Asos feelunique etc,just so you know this is what it looks like and here are the contents on the back.

This to me does not feel silicone based like the others,this is more of a cream which you can use under or over makeup or both.
The first time i tried this i wanted to give it the test of all tests lol so i tried it with my most oily foundation which is my fit me one by Maybelline,and although that is my most greasy foundation it still did well,of course it went oily but not as much as it would without.
So then i used the other day just on my T-Zone area which is very oily and also has many pores too.
I actually used a little under my normal foundation the Revlon nearly naked and then i also used a tad over my foundation too before setting with powder so yes i used twice under and over but it worked a treat for me.It was a scorching hot day and this is meant to last upto 8 hrs but mine actually lasted 9-10 and i was so chuffed.i think i have found myself a winner,ok it does not cover my pores as well as some higher end brands but as for oil then my face was pretty much oil free,ok a did sun tan my nose and my freckles came out but that's cute right?? lol
but in all fairness i would give this an 8/10 and the 2 points missing are just for the fast it doesn't cover pores as good but whooo for no more greasy face.

So this was me before leaving the house for a long long day in peppa pig world on a boiling hot day.
and the next one is of my so tired after walking around all day sweating in boiling hot sun,my face should be as slippery as a frying pan but it's not,if you can see it's actually pretty much oil free,ok my makeup has worn off a bit and i had burnt m nose and my freckles came out ha ha but apart from that oil free,so i will most defo be purchasing this again and again,i should stock up really whooo to Rimmel thanks guys i love it xx♥xx
Thanks for reading Littlemissstyleguru Vinny
The links below are a few places that this can be purchased from and it's sooo cheap ♥


Personal | Pretbord! for HEMA

As I've already said in a previous post. I got nominated for the HEMA design competition, I can win a sum of money and on top of that it can be produced! In order to win, I need votes! So what's my design about?

PRETBORD (in Dutch it means funplate)
A plate for kids to eat their meal with veggies in a fun and creative way.
The mother can slice up the ingredients and the child can create their own artwork. Because the child engages with the food, they will become familiar with it and will most likely eat the food sooner.

You can vote for me here:

The voting ends 13 July

Don't forget to confirm the vote on your mail!
Thank you so much and wish my luck!

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Vita Coco - healthy & refreshing natural coconut water

During summertimes it is very important to drink enough to prevent dehydration and headaches
... and there are a lot of people who tend to get headaches if they do not drink enough water (*_*).
Well, I am one of those people who dislike carbonated drinks, especially carbonated water *urgh!* 
(only exception: fruit based drinks or if there is definitely no other choice).
So drinks like Vita Coco's natural coconut water totally are my taste.
I tried the combination of coconut & pineapple (natural white & dull on the left) as well as 
coconut with peach & mango (natural yellow on the right).

An heißen Sommertagen ist es wichtig viel zu trinken um nicht zu dehydrieren. Also wer sich wundert warum die Handtasche mal wieder um ein weiteres Kilo schwerer geworden ist, (obwohl der Taschenregenschirm und die Kamera zuhause geblieben sind!) - es ist die in diesen Tagen lebenswichtige Getränkeflasche - gefüllt mit einem nicht-kohlensäurehaltigen Getränk. Ich mag nämlich kohlensäurehaltige Getränke nicht so gerne (*_*) , ganz besonders schlimm wird es da bei kohlensäurehaltigem Wasser *arrgh!*, ...einzige Ausnahme: es gibt weit und breit keine andere Option, oder es ist mit etwas Fruchtigem versetzt, dass den Säurecharakter geschmacklich etwas abschwächt.

Die Vita Coco Getränke sind da jedenfalls ganz nach meiner Geschmacksrichtung: absolut kohlensäurefrei!
Probiert habe ich die Sorten Kokosnuss & Ananas (weißlich-trübe Farbe im linken Glas) und Kokosnuss mit Pfirsich & Mango (gelbe Farbe im rechten Glas). Pfirsich & Mango fand ich geschmacklich aber ziemlich grenzwertig - leider zu säuerlich und daher überhaupt nicht lecker (-3 -)Kokosnuss & Ananas hingegen fand ich geschmacklich einfach optimal (˘ ³˘). 
Da es aber rein natürliche Inhaltsstoffe sind, steht auch auf der Verpackung von Vita Coco der Hinweis, dass sowohl Farbe, als auch Geschmack variieren können.

To prevent dehydration during hot summer days, 
always carry a small bottle of water in your handbag


OOTD | There's something about denim..

ZARA jean jacket, Bershka blouse, H&M black jeans, River Island heels

This is an outfit I wore a couple of days ago, so not really an outfit of the day. But it's an outfit nonetheless. I'm really into combining dark greyish jeans with blue jeans. So combining these H&M jeans I always wear with a quite old ZARA jean jacket is pretty much an uniform for me these days. (with the weather getting warmer, it's getting harder though) It's still lovely for the evenings.


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Personal | competing in HEMAontwerpwedstrijd 2014

Hey guys, I thought I'd give you a quick look in what I've been up to lately. And I think it's pretty awesome! A few months back, I was pretty busy with a project for uni and I'm glad to say that it pretty much paid off because I did get a decent grade. But the project was also a competition held by a Dutch company HEMA. Their annual "HEMAontwerpwedtrijd" which in English would be HEMA design competition specially for Design-related schools. This year the theme was 'Cooking and dining'. So as I went to the event for the winner announcement, I didn't get to win the competition but I was shocked and happy that I got nominated for the 'publieksprijs', the price for the public, which I'm one of the 20 contestants out of 370 designed products. The winner for this part gets an award and a great sum of money! The winner must get the most votes for their design. The voting opens 16th of June. So mark that day in your agenda to vote! :) You can vote for someone else if you find his/her product more appealing.. But I doubt that, mines the best! haha joke, getting cocky there. 

I will give you a sneak peek of my design in this post and will be explaining it more and where you can vote in a future post.

sitting between the winners and other contestants who made it so far

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Miners Cosmetics Makeup Review

Miners Cosmetics Makeup Review

Hi Everyone not blogged in a while so thought i would do one on some lovely products i got sent to me by Miners Cosmetics to review,i have now had chance to use them and tell you what i think.

If your not already following my blog then please do so by clicking follow by Google bloglovin or email over there >>>>>

First i was sent this Fresh Faced powder which is Paraben free and all round a great powder,i have been using for about a month now and love it so much,it's very fine milled powder and a lovely colour.
I use my real techniques Beauty blender type sponge to press and bounce the powder all over my face,adding a bit extra around my nose forehead and chin area as i do get oily,then i dust off with big powder brush.
This powder seems to last all day on my face without going oily or patch so a huge thumbs up from me.

The next thing i was sent is this gorgeous pink Nail polish,i do have 2 small gripes about this but nothing major,first being it takes a long time to dry but then lots of nail polishes do,the second was that it just has the miners logo in sticker form on the front rather than being printed onto the bottle.
But apart from these two very minor issues then it's actually a lovely colour for summer and did last ages on my nails without chipping and of course pink does make the boys "wink"

This is a lovely Coral orange Matte lipstick in wonderland shade and it's really gorgeous,i was not sure to begin with as Matte to me means totally matte but no this isnt totally matte it's i would say in between so it is moisturizing but actually it did last on my lips a few hours even though it doesn't dry totally to your lips.
I like the fact it shows what colour it is at the top so when stood up your not hunting for the right shade and plus a steal at £3.99.

I was also sent this black waterproof mascara and i did test out how waterproof when washing it off ha ha and is is waterproof so does it's job well. I'm very fussy when it comes to mascara so i actually always use two most of the time,i don't think on it's own this would give me the length and volume i needed but with another then yes it would as it's pretty wet and has a normal sized brush not too big nor too small plus normal bristles.This is only £3.49 so again very very cheap and i do like the brush being a normal size but i would use in conjunction with another to get that boost.

Now this also came through the post and i was so nicely suprised so thanks Miners,it's a lmd edt Tin O Tint in a cherry flavour and ahh the smell and taste of this is to die for.
They have teamed up with  pop group NVS and this is one by Dec called A Berry Bad Boy.
Ha ha yes i know i love the name too,plus it's packaged in a little round metal tin so great for your handbag but what's also fab is that it gives a tint to your lips but nothing major just a lovely sheer berry shade.The smell is a little like cherry but also reminds me of the winter candles you can get with warm spice cinnamon so really really addictive in taste and smell,yummy and at £2.99 i really want to now try the rest as they look to have some amazing ones on the website,and talking about the website i will leave the link below for you to have a quick browse.

Thanks for reading and thanks to PR @ Miners for sending me such lovely items.
I am also on Youtube just click Here to subscribe as a few of the items above were mentioned in my may monthly fave beauty items.
Love and hugs Vinny Littlemissstyleguru ♥


I am a Limited Edition

 Wearing the 'I am a Limited Edition' cotton bag i got from MyStyleHit.
Also could not resist to wear my all-time-favorite cat bowler hat from Accessorize. 
Blazer & jumpsuit:  H&M (vintage)

Heute gibt es nun das bescheidene Outfit zur 'I am a Limited Edition' Stofftasche aus dem MyStyleHit Paket. Irgendwie fällt mir erst jetzt auf, dass der Schriftzug, der ja auch für den Titel dieses Posts herhält, kaum zu sehen ist. Nun ja, man muss ja nicht jedes Outfitfoto so gestellt inszenieren, dass ja auch jedes markante Detail sichtbar ist, oder? (^^) Ich mag diese Aufnahme einfach am liebsten - vor allem weil hier auch mein Lieblingshut so schön zur Geltung kommt... Meow or Never (= ❛ั 3 =).

Ginette NY pendant necklace - a memorial gift of the  
Caudalie Blogger Event i attended last month.
This gold pendant necklace has been launched together 
with the Parfum Divin de Caudalie which i still have not introduce to you yet.

Außerdem erreichte mich letzte Woche eine kleine Überraschung und zugleich eine Erinnerung an das Caudalie Blogger Dinner Event, das ich letzten Monat besuchte. Ein schöner kleiner, filigran gravierter, goldener Anhänger ( ❛ั 3 ) des Schmucklabels Ginette NY, der zum Launch des 'Parfums Divin de Caudalie' herausgebracht wurde, befand sich in dem schwarz & golden geprägten Umschlag. An dieser Stelle noch einmal vielen lieben Dank dafür.

 Allison with her toucan pendant necklace - printed digital drawing by Vernissage and Cream

Und nun ist es mal wieder Zeit für ein bisschen Kunst (^ー^)ノ :
In meiner heutigen digitalen Zeichnung (hier ein Ausdruck und zugleich meine Lieblingszeichnung aus dem Jahr 2007), steht neben dem 'Szene Charakter' auch der kleine Tukan-Anhänger im Mittelpunkt - naaa, könnt Ihr das kleine Kerlchen neben der blauen Haarsträhne erkennen? (´∪`*)


ootd | Pineapple print trend

H&M crop top, Primark pineapple skirt, Nike Thea

You seem them everywhere at the moment.. Pineapple prints! Pineapples, watermelons, what next? Mangoes? When I saw this skirt at Primark for 12 euros yesterday, I knew that it was something I would wear regularly this summer. It's something easy to wear with a basic top and sneakers or wedges if you want to dress it up a little. Oh and I'm currently obsessed with coral and orange nail polishes, it adds that pop of colour on any outfit.

What do you think of pineapples?

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