
My Daily Make-Up Routine #2 | Video

What I'm Wearing: TOP: Urban Outfitters. NECKLACE: Kirsteen Stewart
Hello my lovelies. I thought it was about time I filmed an updated daily make-up routine for my YouTube channel. Let me tell you there is nothing more daunting than posting your naked face on the internet, especially when you feel super self conscious about parts of it. But, we are all friends (I hope) and I get asked on a regular basis what I do or what products I use so what better way than show you from scratch. Also - we all have to get over our fears at some point huh? I know there will probably be a few nasties but I always feel lucky to have the lovely people that are so positive and caring, so thank you for being fabulous! I've listed all the products I've used below, so if you don't fancy watching the video you don't have to! 

I hope you enjoy it. Much love, xxx

Bobbi Brown Hydrating Eye Cream:
Witch Anti-Blemish Primer:
Bobbi Brown Corrector:
Real Techniques Deluxe Crease Brush:
Illamasqua Skin Base Foundation SB04:
Dior Light Foundation Brush - Backstage Brushes:
Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer - Light:
Real Techniques Expert Face Brush:
MAC Studio Fix Powder NC20:
Real Techniques Powder Brush:
MAC Soft & Gentle:
Real Techniques Contour Brush:
Clinique Smoldering Plum Blush:
Real Techniques Blush Brush:
HD Brows - Vamp
Real Techniques Angled Eyebrow Brush:
Art Deco EyeShadow Primer:
Urban Decay Oz Great & Powerful White Shade - Limited Edition 
Real Techniques Base Shadow Brush:
MAC Woodwinked:
Real Techniques Accent Brush:
MAC Vanilla Pigment:
Sigma Precision Round - P82 Brush:
Maybelline White Eyeliner
Illamasqua Precision Ink Eyeliner - Black:
Eyelash Curlers - The Vintage Cosmetics Company:
No.7 Intense Volume Mascara:
Avon Liptstick - Flirt


Heaven is a Place on Earth

Hat:Topshop. Jumper: c/o COW. Leggings: Topshop. Sandals: Topshop
There is never a dull moment when a vintage jumper is in your life and I can’t count on my hands and feet combined the amount I have. I popped this one on the other day and Daniel said ‘that’s very you, and very much like all the other ones you have’ which made me chuckle (only because it’s true). I love a good embellishment and the fact that this jumper is bright pink equals a match made in Megan heaven.

You know I love to be comfortable and there’s nothing better than whacking on a super soft baggy jumper over a pair of leggings and just being done with it.

I really love reading through the comments that you wonderful lot leave on my posts, and one thing I find that comes up more often than not is ‘Love this look, but I’d never dare wear it!’ – So...I by no means class myself as anything out of the ordinary when it comes to fashion but I just wanted to say that when I pick clothes, I very rarely think much about anything. That doesn’t sound very good does it, but I just mean if you see something and you think you like it, more often than not you’d be surprised at how you can make it work with what is already in your wardrobe. It just takes a bit of patience and imagination.

If you’d like to see some posts or perhaps a ‘how to’ video on styling statement pieces, do let me know!

Much love, xxx


My favorite corners

It has been a while since I've posted any updates on my pad and I think it's looking pretty good but you be the judge. All items in my home are second hand, thifted and made over by mwah so when it comes to sources they become very hard to track down. Thank you to my boss, Caitlin Wilson who gave me my sweet new fret work pillow that has a new home on my sofa!

Here is some progress being made on my bedroom, with some frames that still need to be filled and fresh flowers it will be done soon! Im waiting on a cool Afrian juju hat for above my bed.

Collective Haul ft. Topshop, American Apparel & More! | Video

I always prefer doing my ‘hauls’ in a video rather than a full blog post. It’s so much quicker but also I think seeing items in motion means you can get more of a feel for what they actually look like, if that makes sense?

So, today’s video is a collective haul full of beauty products, makeup, clothes and some rather spiffing moomin pyjamas!

I’m going to try my best to keep to a schedule of posting one video per week, filming on a Thursday and posting on a Friday. Do let me know if you have any requests for this week’s video, at the moment I’m thinking a simple monthly favourites?


Grey malin // one kings lane

Tomorrow it is on at one kings lane! A Grey Malin sale (woohoo!) I have wanted one of his pieces for so long now. His photography is so captivating and energetic. If your don't know his work you can check it out at

Happy Birthday Trendsetting

dressing up nowadays | first time i am wearing my Nelly high heels | wardrobe photos shot by Zeta.N

Am vergangenen Dienstag war ja mein Geburtstag (an dieser Stelle noch mal herzlichen Dank an alle, die an mich gedacht habenヾ(⌒ー⌒)ノ). Zu solch einem besonderen Tag trägt man in der Regel auch mal etwas ganz Besonderes. Geplant hatte ich dieses Rosenkleid von H&M, das ich aber auch gerne mal so im Alltag trage und dazu passend, meine weinroten Nelly High Heels (und diese ausschließlich nur zu besonderen Anlässen (´▽`)). Schade, nur, dass an dem Tag das Wetter nicht so ganz mitgemacht hat. Zumindest hatte ich sonst all die Jahre immer das Vergnügen draußen im Grünen bei heiterem Sonnenschein zu feiern. So ein bisschen hat mich meine Kleiderwahl auch etwas an meine damaligen Kindergeburtstage erinnert, wo ich gerade in jüngeren Jahren immer ein ganz besonderes Kleid getragen habe. Ich fand gerade dieses hier, das ein bisschen an ein Matrosenkleid erinnert mit diesem großen Kragen, sehr speziell (^.^). Ich glaube es war so ziemlich das außergewöhnlichste Kleid, das ich besaß:

dressing up in childhood days | one of my very special birthday dresses | apple tree garden

Wir hatten früher so einen schönen großen Garten, in dem jede Menge Apfelbäume standen... irgendwie fehlt er mir doch sehr. Zur Feier des Tages wurde dann auch immer standesgemäß die Flagge gehisst!

Na, wer errät welche Flagge das ist? (^_^)

celebration time 

Wünsche Euch noch einen schönen Sonntag!
Have a nice Sunday everyone!


Ape Canyon to Plains of Abraham

16 miles of historic beauty!

Check out this first photo below with the lava flow after the blow of Mt. Helens. Most of the terrain through this hike is lava rubble, light airy pumice like rocks. Just incredible! 

The first half of the hike is fairly green & lush with moss dripping trees. Miles of winding trails with easy gain and views of Mt. Helens.

Once you hit this junction there is little to moderate botanical life but, the wild flowers are incredible!

Depending on how far you go on the plains the hike is roughly 15/16 miles round trip. Personally, I felt it was very easy with food and photography breaks. The entire trip offers a lot to a hiker!


A recipe for a happy heart

Guys, I've been the lamest blogger lately, apologies! In a lot of great ways life has been so busy lately that I havent taken the time to write any quality posts. With the summer dwindling away I've been active as can be and working a-ton. I have some new DIYs I need to share like this chair I reupholstered in Caitlin Wilson chinoiserie fabric. (My boss rocks!) Then My mama schedule has been super busy and finally I jumped in to the new sport I was too chicken to do last year. I've been taking cyclocross clinics every week offered by amazing coaches at upper echelon fitness here in Portland. If you know what cyclocross is, I know you probably think I am completely nuts and, I really hope I don't think the same when races start. I've been working my tail off for the past few months and it's really paying off! Not only have I lost a ton more weight recently but my cardio endurance has really shot through the roof. 

I did a hike today with a group of 6, that was on my summer bucket list which was from Ape caves to the Plains of Abraham; on Mt. Helen's. About 16 miles round trip and I couldn't believe how easy it was! I originally wanted to do this hike on foot to get a good idea of what it was like to mountain bike because I heard it was difficult but after seeing the terrain and gain I'm positive I can do it. This place is one of the most iconic north west hikes and I was seriously on cloud nine all day! Tomorrow I'll share photos from our trip, stay tuned....


Crop Top: Topshop. Mom Jeans: c/o Ark. Sandals: Topshop. Earrings: Topshop
I think no matter how hard we try, how many dupes we discover or how much our bank balance screams we will never be able to avoid the pure delight that is Topshop.

I’ve got better – my visits to the website are controlled and infrequent but whenever I do let myself have a splurge it’s never disappointing. Grabbing myself a t-shirt, earrings and a pair of shoes for £50...well I’m quite impressed. Although my little sisters first impression was that I looked like a football referee, I’m quite taken with this top – I love the oversized sleeves and baggy fit. Pat Butcher earrings have always been my ‘thing’ and there was no stopping me when I spotted these bad boys. Lastly the oh so adorable little shoes...they make me feel like I’m back at pre-school and that I should probably be sporting them with some knee high white socks and I think my Ark mom jeans make the perfect fit!

So...I know what you’re thinking what’s the giveaway? You guys really do mean a lot to me and even though my blog is only taking the teeniest slither of the internet I really do love that you read my ramblings and I like to be able to return the favour when I can! So, have kindly offered a £50 Topshop voucher for one of you lovelies to enjoy! I’m going to make it super easy to enter so there will be just 2 requirements:

  • You MUST be a follower of Wonderful You on either GFC or Bloglovin’ (I will be checking!)
  • Please leave a comment below, with your name, email address and why you’d like to win.

The giveaway is open worldwide and will run for 2 weeks. A winner will be picked at random and announced on Friday 6thSeptember.

Thank you again for being awesome and let's all give AO a big thank you too!