
Personal | My latest addiction is Emma approved!

Aside from my interest in fashion, foods and design, I love literature. I love reading all kinds of books but most of all reading sappy love stories with awesome heroes and heroins and just get lost in their world. I can talk for hours about my favourite books. But when it comes to classics that every girl must have read at least once in their lifetime, the books by Jane Austen will win hands down. My favourite books from Jane are Pride & prejudice (of course), Mansfield park and Emma. The heroines are so badass and have a strong/independent personality which at that specific time area were rare. The most controversial character is probably Emma and definitely my favourite gal. I've probably watched and read all adaptations of the book and thought that it couldn't get better than Mr. Knightley being played by Jonny Lee Miller and the movie 'Clueless'.. I am happy to be wrong and add this new so called 'webseries', Emma approved, to the list.

Emma approved is not like other series you know. It's a series on Youtube with 5 minutes lasting episodes. In this series you see Emma shooting a documentary to document her 'greatness', yes she's that conceited ghehe, by doing vlogs. So most of the times you see her talking to the camera with occasionally other people passing by. It took some time to get used to it, but the actors made it all so easy. In this modern adaptation, you see Emma Woodhouse running a matchmaking business with Alex Knightley doing the 'boring' stuff. Emma is vain, full of herself, rich and spoilt which makes her hard to like but beneath it all she has a good heart. And a lot of people who watch it don't really like her.. But that's how she's supposed to be (according to the books) and I think
Joanna Sotomura who plays Emma does a wonderful job at it. I love her facial expressions and her winks. And Brent Bailey takes Mr. Knightley to a whole new level of hottie.

Overall I just love this series and I couldn't wait to share it with you guys! I'm planning to watch 'The Lizzie Bennet Diary' from the same producers as Emma approved as well which has won an Emmy!

For more pictures of the series click below

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Haul | 99 problems but a coat ain't one

Finally got some time to post my 99problems post, this time with some recently bought coats/vest or jackets. I seriously don't know how I got to this point where I bought all this. I couldn't resist the 'temporarily' H&M sale on the two pieces from the top. And I love how versatile and awesome the faux fur vest it. It can make an outfit 10 times more interesting! Definitely recommend this one. It's a bit longer than the one I already have. Considering buying one of these coats? All H&M coats/jackets are a bit bulky/oversized. So going a size down is definitely worth it.

x J.


ootd | Hunger games and Victor Navorski

Last tuesday I went to the Hunger Games marathon at the cinema, they showed the first part followed by the latest one to premiere. The marathon ended at 02:30AM but it was so worth it. I've read the books before the first part was out, so I am quite a 'fan' of the books. I won't spoil the movie for anybody, because I think that's really one of the worst things you can do to a person. But they really did a great job (yet again) at filming it and it really didn't feel like I was watching something for more than 2 hours. So it's definitely worth to check it out! Also if you like reading, try the books as well.

As for my outfit, I wore this new skirt from H&M which got all wrinkled up (sorry about that) and paired it with my plaid blouse from Zara. The coat is from Zara that I got just recently on sale I think it was 30euros. But thanks to my brother I keep seeing Victor Navorski from The Terminal, which I've watched more than six times already because I just love the movie, when I'm wearing this coat. And he's not even wearing one in the movie! You can only see him in his suit most of the time. Although I love the movie, I don't really know if I want to be associated with it.

Anyway, this coat is one of a few coats/jackets I got recently.. A bit of ashamed. But at least you guys can look forward to a '99 problems' post soon.



Blogvorstellung - This Last Song

Today i want to introduce you Lisa Maria's Blog 'This Last Song' (link ) - a nice girl from Cologne.

Hallo Ihr Lieben, 
heute möchte ich Euch den Blog "This Last Song" von Lisa Maria vorstellen

Sie ist ein waschechtes Kölsche Mädche und noch ganz frisch in der Blogosphäre. Schaut auf jedenfall mal vorbei, denn ihre Outfitposts (Fall Outfit - Link ) und Fotoshoots (Mint Dress Shooting - Link ) können sich wirklich sehen lassen!

Ihr habt auch einen liebevoll geführten Blog, den Ihr der Blogosphäre auf keinen Fall vorenthalten wollt?
Dann lasst es mich wissen ( ˘ ³˘) !

❀✿ ❁✾


DIY project | Plumbing pipes table/bench

I had to make this bench/table for my project which didn't quite work out, so I made it into a bench for in my room where I can sit and put on my shoes or just for decoration. I had a lot of fun making this and it's so easy! All you need is a pipesaw or just a regular metal saw, the compression fittings, some wood and the pipes. I haven't attached the wood onto the pipes yet because I'm planning to make the table shorter. But you can get the general idea here.

What do you think? A good idea for a future DIY post?



ootd | When it doesn't make the cut.

H&M long blazer, Primark flower blouse, H&M shorts, H&M ankle boots, H&M maroon bag
School has taken over my life.. And because the daylight savings time, I don't have enough natural light to take proper pictures when I get back home from uni. Thank god for outfit pictures that didn't make the post, so that I can use it for times like these.. The outfit that I'm wearing was from early november. I wouldn't suggest wearing it now though, it's getting colder and colder, I already got my hand gloves out from the closet.

Although school has been taking so much of my free time and basically got me tied up at home, I still managed to do my driving exam and passed it! So maybe things will look up from now :)
Have a nice weekend! Do you have anything planned?



Alnatura Himbeer Lassi

Alnatura raspberry lassi - it´s a very mild taste of raspberry yoghurt.

Joghurt ist bekanntlich nicht nur recht lecker, sondern auch noch ziemlich gesund (⌒∇⌒) . Besonders zur Erkältungszeit wird der Konsum von Joghurtprodukten besonders empfohlen. Was ich bei Joghurtprodukten allerdings nie so gern mochte, war der meist doch ziemlich saure Geschmack. Bei diesem Alnatura Himbeer Lassi Trinkjoghurt ist der Geschmack aber so richtig schön mild gehalten - so angenehm war Joghurtgenuss schon lange nicht mehr (``).
Alnatura ist, wie einige bestimmt wissen, eine bekannte Bio-Lebensmittelmarke. Ich habe außerdem auch noch von einer Alnatura Rosen Lassi Sorte gelesen - doch leider ist diese doch recht außergewöhnliche Geschmacksrichtung nicht so oft in den Kühlregalen zu finden...


ootd | A boyfriend jeans kind of day

H&M jacket, H&M blue gray shirt, H&M boyfriend jeans, River Island suede heels
Sister: "Why are you taking pictures? You're always wearing that.."
Me: *Disappointed*

Sometimes when I really want to dress up and put on awesome outfits, I don't feel inspired. I guess the best outfits come when you don't search for it. And it's not only about putting on outfits but in life general. Just like when you see a trailer of a movie and you get excited for it and when you've seen it, it just falls flat and you get disappointed (talking about Gravity) but when you don't have expectations, everything is way better. Anyone knows that feeling?



Berry Baby and Strawberry Princess

i got two donuts from "Happy Donuts" (written as "Happy Donazz" - strange -azz-ending
 - they are one of "Dunkin Donuts" many rivals here in Germany

Ich habe mir zwei Happy Donuts mitbringen lassen (*´∀`*. Happy Donuts ist wie einige von Euch bestimmt schon erkannt haben, eines von vielen Konkurrenz-Unternehmen (wortwörtlich eigentlich Happy Donazz - mit einer seltsamen azz- Endung ausgeschrieben), die versuchen mit auf der Erfolgswelle von Dunkin Donuts zu schwimmen (゚ー゚*).

"Berry Baby" and "Strawberry Princess" - the flavor names of my two donuts from "Happy Donazz"

Berry Baby:
Die Geschmacksrichtung "Berry Baby" besteht aus Himbeerfüllung, weißer Schokolade und einem rotgefärbten Stück Schokolade in Himbeerform (dachte zuerst es wäre eine gefrorene, echte Himbeere - irgendwie schon enttäuschend, dass es schlussendlich eben doch nur aus Schokolade bestand (´~´))

Strawberry Princess:
Die Geschmacksrichtung "Strawberry Princess" besteht aus Erdbeerfüllung, rosa Schokolade und rosa Schokoflocken. Die rosa Schokoflocken sind optisch eine wirklich süße Idee (^_^=ゞ).

 However, no worries - tough these look so nice, in taste matters, they absolutely cannot compete with the Original.

Optisch sind beide Donuts echte Hingucker, aber geschmacklich leider eher etwas lasch (˘o˘)! Man schmeckt irgendwie nur den Zuckerguss und auch der Donut-Teig war nicht ganz so fluffig und fest in der Konsistenz, wie man es vom Original her gewohnt ist *⌒-⌒*. Zu viele große Luftlöcher im Teig würde ich sagen. Ach ja, und für Allergiker sind vielleicht noch folgende Angaben zu den Inhaltsstoffen nützlich: Farbstoff, Antioxidationsmittel und Phosphat waren jeweils in diesen beiden Geschmacksrichtungen enthalten.

Dies war also mein erster Happy Donazz Testbericht. 
Habt Ihr auch schon mal einen Donut von Happy Donazz probiert? 


Style appreciation: Rachel Bilson

Time for one of my Style Appreciation posts, this time dedicated to Rachel Bilson's awesome street style. Who doesn't like to wear just a plain tee and jeans? But sometimes you can look rather too casual and kind of boring.. except for Rachel. I don't know how she does it, but she manage to look chic and classy in just a plain shirt. I love her seemingly effortless street look. And how awesome is her shoes collection? Definitely a style I would like to go for! 

I just noticed how she wears sunglasses into all her outfits, especially the ones I chose for this post..
Ahh how I wish to have her wardrobe.
