

My new segment starts today creating Stylish Momfits. Which really is for any type of woman but especially for woman that are way too busy think of there everyday "style" let alone them selves. I've re thought my wardrobe becoming a mom of twins and seriously have no time to "create" a lavish thought out out-fit. I've decided on a wardrobe where it can seamlessly flow together, classic and effortless. For example my goal is to be able to have a wardrobe where I can grab any three pieces and I'll look great! 

Each week I'll bring you an out fit that inspires me to put it together, clothes you can run around chasing those bambinos in, clothes your friends admire.

So, starting off with a simple bang I bring you two outfits; one for the stunning Cameron Diaz, and the other from yours truly:

ps. Most of these out fits your can save tons of money by piecing things together with classic items from thrift stores. I.e. The outfit below: Goodwills are filled with amazing blazers, seriously sometimes basic fashion from the past is much more quality then something you'll find at a low price today. Linen blazers are a dime a dozen there. So skimping on this outfit i'd: Any white shirt, Goodwill Blazer, Buy these pants (I've tried looking at GW for something in my size), gold delicate necklace, black purse. What I really think makes this out fit is the blazer and the pant style, skinnys <- no flares.

pss. yes- i also think Momfit is a stupid work but, really I couldn't come up with anything better. 

1.AE 2. Marc Jacobs $35 3. Marc 4. Toms 5. Top Shop $55

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