
Lets talk Potty Toilet training toddler

Lets talk Potty Toilet training toddler

Right i have been doing beauty blogs but this is also a lifestyle baby toddler blog too so i wanted to come at you with another type of read and it the dreaded potty training.

So ok my daughter is 2 and a half yrs old,i first bought her a really fancy huge potty when she was about 1 yrs old but i didn't sit her on it until she was about 1 and a half just to get the feel of it.
She was great,she didn't wee nor poo but she quite happily sat and watched tv.
Then as she was only young i gave up for a while and left it as i think most parents {not all} but a lot start around 2 yrs old,so i left it till before her 2nd birthday then i said shall we try the potty again babe and if you wee wee then you can have a treat well omg HOLY CRAP LET LOOSE AND SHE RAN AWAY SCREAMING IN TEARS??? i didn't have a clue why but all of a sudden she was scared of the potty so she wouldn't even go near it,i tried coaxing her with sweets and even showed her dolly's sat on it and teddies etc but nothing worked,so in the end Jamie my Finace Teegan's daddy said that potty is way way too big,this is the potty i first bought lol.

it is actually pretty massive in real life for a little one,so ok i agreed and said we will just buy a cheap one then from the poundshop and decorate with stickers to make it feel special for her,oh yeah i know all the tricks of the trade ha ha yeah right?? we bought a little pink potty and got lovely stickers spent time decorating which she loved and she still screamed and ran away and used it as a hat instead grrrr getting a bit fed up at this point.

so time is going on and i started taking her up to the big normal toilet upstairs in the bathroom but i had to hold her on the toilet so she didn't fall down the hole,which ok went better than the potty,she hated it but couldn't run away,i took her up once a day to try but nothing ;(
Then i was out shopping in TK.Maxx and saw a kids toilet training seat in bright pink minnie mouse,she is sure to love this right? and then right next to it was a singing stepping stool so she could even climb on the toilet herself with music what a bonus so i snapped them up as anything is worth a go.
She loved the pink toilet seat as yay i now don't have to hold her on the toilet she can sit herself,she also loved the stepping stool but mummy didn't as it got anoying when she just kept messing and playing the music when actually i was trying to listen if she had a tinkle lol so not one of my best idea's.
Teegan is now just over 2 and half and i'm still trying to take her to the toilet to have a wee but she sits and does nothing,we have done the whole you will get a reward a sticker some sweets a toy blumin anything and everything but nothing has worked.
i Know people say she will go in her own good time but if she is as stubborn as her mum and dad that will be never she will just sit and hold it in boo hoo what can i do please help meee it's honestly driving me POTTY sorry for the pun.
Teegan actually knows when she has had a wee as she will say mummy i'm wet or mummy my nappy needs changing so she can actually feel the sensation that she has had one which is good but she doesn't know when she needs one and i could take her 5 times a day and she would still sit and do nothing,i also try and take her about 15-30 mins after a drink etc blah de blah yes i bet your even bored reading this as i am of trying to get her to wee lol.

So my last resort today was buying some peppa pig knickers for when we are at home but then i though she will just pee right away and be soaked so i came up with a plan and ok this may be weird and not sure if anybody has ever done it but i thought well i can't put a nappy under the knickers as that defeats the object but what can i do as i would be changing her within 5 mins of putting them on so ive bought some sanitery towels ok weird but it's like a nappy right? {tried pull ups and they are just like nappies so didn't work}and at lest she won't be totally soaked,if you think this is a bad idea then please let me know as i only bought them all today cos i feel like jacking the whole thing in.
Feel like a poo mum as she is a little brain box when it comes to other things but toilet noooo
oh and also the last few days she is refusing to eat most things and won't touch her milk which she used to have cows milk a bottle in morning and at night,tried everything there too,hot cold a bottle a cup even tried mixing it with milkshake but no she pushes it away and says it's dirty,she is testing my patience to the extreme so any mummies out there going through something similar i would love to know thanks love vinny Littlemissstyleguru xx♥xx
My little snuggle bug Teegan the terror lol xx♥xx love her really

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