
Craigslist Finds

On my board "Craigslist Finds"Pinterest - someone commented:

"Ive seen these for $20, how much is fair in your opinion?" 

This is a really excellent question! 

This also goes not just for campaign furniture but also, old west palm & regency. It depends on where your location is usually. For example the south commonly have these on CL for around $100 but, in the North West I've seen one nine drawer on CL in one year and a half. I see about 10 six drawer dressers per year. (maybe)

The same goes for faux bamboo! Is your location a spot where it was a trend while it was made? 

Florida was flooded with palm beach style.

The east coast was flooded with beautiful antiques because that's where some of the original shipping ports were.

We sure have a TON of mid century here in the North West, the french style was also a popular one. 

Another thing to consider when finding your rare gem:

Mind you if you are using key word searches that means people know what they have.

 Example: I recently picked up a faux bamboo dresser with a keyword as "artistic dresser" The owner put no mention of it having any bamboo/asian look so it flies under the radar!

Get it? :)

Btw: Thanks for the wonderful question reader! People email me all the time when it comes to my "finds". Please feel free to follow me on Pinterest where I am constantly pinning beautiful decor for my readers. Things that I pass on for my self and the shop.

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