
Living by example

In all my years as a massage therapist I have been so blessed with such incredible opportunities in my career. Even though I've felt very proud to work along side major athletes and popular sporting competitions. Above it all was work I did with handicapped children that open new doors of inspiration, and an opportunity that I cherish most. A recent event I worked at was Ironman. An event we are all familiar with, a triathlon filled with such fierce and determined athletes. As I worked with one of the competitors he shared his beautiful story to me about his disabled child and ended it telling me one thing I had to share. He is where he is, at that moment because of the example it gives to his son. Living by example is one of the greatest gifts we can give to our children and he wants nothing more, to inspire his child to live life with out the physical boundaries. This pain, sweat, work and determination wasn't for an ironman, a time, a race, a medal; it was mearly to give his son this one precious thing that meant more then anything in the world to him. An example to live up to, because even though his son thought of his father as the hero. The fathers hero, was always his son!

A team I had the opportunity to work with a few years ago was such a true gift. The youth swim team, the shadow seals. In which a few of the team mates are Paralympians. Kayla on the bottom right with only one arm and no other limbs - she is spicy and fearless, Ira third over on the left side in the top row, she has no arms but she's dazzling and ambitious! Don't look at this photo as a whole, look at them as individuals. The Paralympics to me have always been a exciting time. This is when we get to see miracles happen with the human body. Limits are pushed beyond just, the physical norm. Dreams come true in much deeper ways then just a time or a medal but, an example is set. 

You meet a person, and the encounter at the time is brief but, sometimes their words stick to you like glue. They make you think...For the past month I've really thought about what kind of example am I setting for my children? What kind of example I want to set in life, a legacy or a foot print? There is so many things we can't control in this world but, there is one thing we always can. That is our selves! 

Shadow seals swim team is always looking for new volunteers and ways to raise money for fund raising efforts. Stop in to there site to check into what their all about, to donate and give a helping hand if you feel inclined :)

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