

I've been shopping for a new coffee table. First and fore most, I don't want to. I love mine. It's beautiful, and everything I've ever wanted but, incredibly non-kid friends. >big sad face< There are TWO panes on the top, the boys climb and crawl underneath pushing the panes out, the books and the flowers on top. I've come to the conclusion my mental sanity comes first and foremost before my home decor. Funny right? I love to decorate so much, that I over look serious conundrums combining kids with certain decor objects. For some reason I'd succumb to buying a mini van before I take my pretty objects off my coffee table. Its probably like men and there TV's, or dogs and there "spot"; except mine is all over there house.

Funny Side Note: I didn't know how to spell succumb. So after looking at it in the dictionary, and spelling it correctly, I glance at the definition > 

1.     to give way to superior force; yield: to succumb to despair.
to yield to disease, wounds, old age, etc.; die.

As a new-ish mother (of 1 and a half year old twins) I'm cracking up at the definition. Any of you mother's out there? Maybe then your getting my drift. I think 8 out of 10 area's in my life I have succumbed to changes and, I'm sure the 2 left over are just around the corner.

This older woman asked me the other day, "What was it like, going from just you to times two?" <- Well put I thought.

I told her, mind you I was really tired, standing in safeway with my single gallon of milk after a "bad" day with the boys...

"It's like... Your leisurely running on the treadmill, then you jump on the side's to drink some water, or put up your hair. In the mean time the tread mill get's turned up to the max (more like more) and you jump back on, and like BAM" That's what it felt like in the beginning, now that I've been doing this for a while now, my endurance has built up and I can really enjoy it, I can enjoy the ride; more like the roller coaster but- I love it, really really love it.

What do you do with your pretty decor? Are your kids grown and it's now back out on the  
shelf? I'd love to hear blog lands feed back.

Here's the new candidate:

What do you think? Brass feet on a mid century base. Marble top and it's 40" Sturdy with no sharp edges.

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