A little update about our little boy Matteo, he is getting more aware of his surroundings and since a few days he started laughing loudly and tries to talk back to us in his baby way, wich is very cute to see.
He cries only when something is going on: a dirty diaper, hunger, colics, but besides that he is a good baby that wants to be held lot, he is needy for attention. Very soon, the 26th of april, Matteo will be 2 months!
Another top 5 of products for this month
The pacifiers from Suavinex. I love the quality and design of this brand. Matteo needs to be soothed with something, so we are trying to introduce him to a pacifier, the only one he likes are the above ones.
stroller hooks - good for shopping on the go

Reently discovered, French department store Monoprix carries a baby line from 0 to 36 months with lovely baby essentials called Bout´chou. Stock up with this line when visiting france, high quality, nice designs and oh sooo affordable.
Anti colic feeding bottles from Bebe due, Matteo had a lot of colic wich thanks to these bottles is a lot less than before. I also give him 3 times a day a little bit of baby tea from Blevit, that helps the digestion and he loves it.
Bright starts ingenuity portable swing - love this swing. It´s in my office as I already went back to work that´s a good thing of being an entrepeneur, I can take the baby to work. It´s important to have a swing so matteo can enjoy it and make a small nap in it. I try to be as productive as possible in the time that he is a sleep and spend time with him when he needs my love and attention.
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