
Easter DIY.

Last Easter I didn't pull together any holiday decor. A. because I wasn't getting any sleep with two 10 month old babies and B. Well, frankly I hadn't "found" pinterest yet which I give credit to all my stolen genius holiday DIY ideas. I'm really not one to spend a ton of time or energy in to holiday zushing but, I came across some DIYS that looked so effortless (and cheap) I had to try them.

I pinned this idea; SO adorable and well done.

I found out they are sold at pier one. So I hoped on to there website and when I realized this whole project it going to cost me under $15 I was so excited.

Got me some moss and ribbon and went to town on my DIY.

You'll need:

-Foam block (which I used from a shipment I had in the garage)
-Bunnies on a stick from Pier one
-Pink Ribbon

Also, I thought using an old wine crate would be even cuter. 

The whole idea is so simply obvious I finished it in 10 min.

Total Cost: $16.19

Second a bunny make-over

I decided I want a bunny to have sitting next to the baskets of goodies when the boys wake up. Something similar to what I remember having as a kid. I went to two goodwills looking for the PERFECT holiday bunny hoping this gal will be around for years to come.

I ordered some fabric from spoonflower and had this grand idea that I was going to make it a little dress out of this otomi knock off fabric... Umm yeah.. maybe next year I'll have even more energy to concur that. For now I think it's best that I save my energy for higher priority projects.

So ( haha ) First I stood there and tried to think of something creative/still cute. Hmm.. Doll clothes!? 

So I searched through the toy section for some appealing doll clothes; total miss. 

Then battled how I would find the time to really make the dress. If it was worth the energy...

Well... while I was searching for some second hand clothes for the boys I came across the little girls section and picked out a perfect little 6mo old dress for our new Easter bunny. 

...and on a side note learned that little girl clothes are getting strangely risque...

The stuffy is stylin and the total cost of this "project" was $1.50

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