
Makeup Revolution Hot Smoked Dupe Alert VS Urban Decay Smoked Palette

Makeup Revolution Hot Smoked Dupe Alert VS Urban Decay Smoked Palette

Hi all welcome back to my blog or if you are new then hi my name is Vinny,please follow my blog using google friends connect or bloglovin as I'm trying my hardest to blog as much as i can and I'm really enjoying it, so hope you do too ♥

whoop whoop i have a "Dupe Alert" from Makeup Revolution and it's a dupe for the Urban Decay Smoked Palette but the MUR palette is called Hot Smoked.
I really love Urban Decay but this was actually one of my least fave palettes although i do use it when i remember,but i thought i would buy the the dupe to compare and use as a back up.

For some reason the Makeup Rev palette has two more extra colours at the end so you are gaining two more colours and they are lovely colours too.

The colours of the Urban Decay are slightly more pigmented and more buttery but the colours i actually like much more from the MUR palette are the purple blue and green,those three next to each other in the middle and bottom row of UD,i just think are better from MUR as i know it sounds mad but those colours in the UD palette are just too smokey for me,if blended too much they turn into more of a black but in the MUR they stay true to colour and very will hopefully see by the swatches what i mean but some of the colours themselves are a spot on dupe bit some are slightly different shades,but pretty similar.
Makeup Revolution is top row and Urban Decay bottom row,very similar huh,except can you see the two extra purple shades you get on the top row from MUR,so more for your money.

Not that these are expensive as the Urban Decay palette is very hard to get hold of now and was in the region of about £36,but because it's hard to get your hands on then this is a god send and it's only .....wait for it............£4.00 omg i know what a bargain.
I really don't know how they can do it for that price it's amazing,but if you have always fancied the look of the Ud Smoked palette but didn't have the funds then now is your chance as it's too much of a bargain to pass up,plus it's either available from the MUR website or Superdrug and both links are below.

You can also pick it up in your Superdrug store too if they sell Makeup Revolution.

This palette does have a great mix of neutrals with a pop of darker colour,great for the coming Autumn,would you like to try this or do you own it already and what do you think?

Thanks for reading as always,love and hugs Littlemissstyleguru aka Vinny ♥♥

I also have a Youtube beauty/style and family type channel if you would like to subscribe then the links are below,thanks guys.

PS.. Please don't leave my blog without following as it honestly means the world each time i gain a follower and then i know you are keeping up to date with my feeds and trust in my reviews,i have had some lovely feedback from you all saying how much you love reading my blog,that is music to my ears as it takes time taking the photos and swatching but it's something I'm very passionate about so thank you xx♥xx

Blogger Bazaar Frankfurt 2015

Well, Rome wasn't built in a day. It's been more than a while since i announced my review about this year's Blogger Bazaar in Frankfurt, but as you all know: Better late than never! So as already announced on Instagram, here we go (^ ᴥ ^):
In the mid of July this year's Blogger Bazaar took place at the Villa FFM here in Frankfurt where i have also been right on the spot, of course:
Gut Ding will Weile haben… Nun ist es zwar schon eine ganze Weile her, seit ich meinen Bericht zum diesjährigen Blogger Bazaar in Frankfurtangekündigt habe, aber wie heißt es doch so schön: Besser spät, als nie! Also wie bereits auf Instagram angekündigt, geht’s hier nun endlich 
weiter (^ ᴥ ^):
Mitte Juni fand in der Villa FFM der Frankfurter Blogger Bazaarstatt – und selbstverständlich war ich auch dieses Jahr wieder vor Ort.

This year the location was not as glamorous as the one at Palais Quartier in 2014 with its beautiful chandeliers and Hollywood-style overhead lighting (you can read my reviewhere). In fact, it somehow has the aura of a vintage-hipster-student's-party - oh, and "House of Blogger" would have been a suitable title or plug.

Die Location war in diesem Jahr nicht ganz so glamourös wie das Palais Quartier mit seinen hübschen Kronleuchtern und filmreifer Bühnendeckenbeleuchtung vom letzten Jahr (meinen Bericht dazu könnt Ihr hiernachlesen), sondern hatte eher den Flair einer Vintage-Hipster-Fashion-Studenten-Party– oh, und „House of Bloggers“ wäre übrigens auch ein guter Titel bzw. Aufhänger gewesen.

I unfortunatelly was not at the spot in time and furthermore Frankfurt city was broad blocked around the Hauptwache area because of a demo, and my blogger collegue and company from last year's Blogger Bazaar was busy and as this was not all enough - it was raining cats and dogs (‾-‾~). I almost decided not to go, but nevertheless. i have found my way to the Villa FFM.
When i arrived, a couple of people with their "Fashion for Compliments" cotton bags (indeed a very witty print) already came towards my way - and my first thought was: Is it already over? Because last year people were waiting in a very long line around the corner. This year i have missed all the faces from last year - both visitors ans bloggers... Anyway the Hypnotized girls were there again - and oh damn, i wish i had tried on that sweet oversized rose shirt i have found at their booth - (*-3-):

Ich war leider nicht pünktlich zu Beginn vor Ort und darüber hinaus war die Frankfurter Innenstadt rund um die Hauptwache wegen einer Demo großräumig gesperrt, meine Blogger Kollegin und Begleitung vom letzten Blogger Bazaar war leider verhindert und dann hat es auch noch obendrein wie aus Kübeln geregnet (‾-‾~). Im Grunde war der Tag somit schon so gut wie ins Wasser gefallen… nun ja, sei’s drum – ich lies mich jedenfalls nicht so leicht entmutigen und so machte ich mich auf den Weg zur Villa FFM in die Windmühlstraße.
Als ich ankam, kamen mir schon jede Menge Leute mit ihren „Fashion for Compliments“ – Jutebeuteln (äußerst origineller Print-Spruch auf den Goodie Bags) entgegen -  Oha, schon alles vorbei? – war mein erster Gedanke. Letztes Jahr um diese Zeit standen sie alle jedenfalls kilometerlang Schlange ums Eck. Dieses Jahr habe ich so einige bekannte Gesichter vom Vorjahr vermisst – sowohl bei den Besuchern, als auch unter den Bloggern… Wieder dabei waren jedenfalls die Mädels von Hypnotized - und ach, hätt ich doch mal dieses süße oversized Rosenoberteil anprobiert - (*-3-):

I cannot remember how many rooms  the Villa FFM has, but in every room there were depending on the size, three to four blogger booths. Though some kind of orientation system would have been nice to have as an overview of all present blogger and brand booths.

Ich weiß nicht mehr genau wie viele Zimmer die Villa insgesamt hatte, aber in jedem Raum befanden sich je nach Größe etwa drei bis vier Stände. Eine Art Orientierungssystem wäre nicht schlecht gewesen, anhand dessen man einen besseren Überblick über die anwesenden Blogger und Marken-Stände der Sponsorenhatte haben können.

In the upper levels there also were some empty rooms when i arrived (a few hours after the official inlet) - quite unusual for such a hyped event. On Instagram i have read that many other visitors had their problems finding the booth of their favorite bloggers. So all my respect for the Blogger Bazaar 2014 at Palais Quartier where it became quite overcrowded soon, but you still knew that everyone you wanted to see, could be found somewhere in one and the same room. Well, i dare to say that the 2015  Blogger Bazaar Edition could not really take up the big succes of 2014 - especially because of the bad weather, the demo and the fact that a lot of visitors did not find the time to witness this revival.
Here you can see some more impressions of the Blogger Bazaar Frankfurt 2015 - on the beginning of my post you could already have a look at the content of the "Fashion for Compliments" goodie bag (my very favorite was the hanger from Kleiderkreisel).

In den oberen Stockwerken waren bei meiner Ankunft (wenige Stunden nach dem offiziellem Einlass) auch leere Räume - fast schon ungewöhnlich für so ein gehyptes Event. Auf Instagram las ich dann auch, dass einige wohl auch so ihre Probleme hatten ihre Lieblingsblogger zu finden. Da lob ich mir den Blogger Bazaar 2014 im Palais Quartier, wo es zwar irgendwann brechend voll wurde, aber man wusste, dass eben alle in ein und demselben Raum zu finden waren. Ich wage mal zu behaupten, dass der diesjährige Blogger Bazaar nicht so ganz an den Erfolg von 2014 anknüpfen konnte - vor allem auch wegen dem schlechten Wetter, der Demo und die Tatsache, dass viele dieses Jahr auch einfach nicht die Zeit gefunden haben diesem Revival beizuwohnen.
Hier seht Ihr nun weitere Impressionen vom Blogger Bazaar Frankfurt 2015 - den Inhalt der "Fashion for Compliments" Goodie Bag (besonders Klasse fand ich hier den Kleiderkreisel Kleiderbügel) habt Ihr ja bereits zu Beginn meines Posts begutachten können.

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 Childhood Illustration Time

At this place once again it is time for a nice illustration of my childhood series: apposite to the blogger house theme, here you can see my mini me with a companion - exploring a funny house in the middle of nowhwere (•‿• ).

An dieser Stelle ist es auch mal wieder Zeit für eine schöne Illustration aus meiner Kindheits-Reihe: Passend zum Thema Blogger Haus, seht Ihr hier mein Mini Me mit Begleitung - bei der Entdeckug eines lustigen Hauses mitten im Nirgendwo ( ).


Makeup Revolution The Matte Blush Review Swatches

Makeup Revolution The Matte Blush Review Swatches

Hi and welcome back to my blog or if you are new then hi my name is Vinny,if your not following already then please do so by using either google friends connect or bloglovin,it's really easy and makes me jump for joy when i get a new follower ♥♥ 

So this is a review of the Makeup Revolution full set of Matte blushers called The Matte Blush.
So there are six shades to collect and they are only £3.00 each but contain a whopping 8.9g of product.
These are a fairly new release by Makeup revolution so of course i had to purchase them ♥ 
The packaging is elegant yet simple and sturdy,i like the fact you can see the colours so the lid isn't hidden unlike the Sleek blushers which i really love,although after now owning quite a fair few of MUR blushers in the palettes and now these then i think my mind has been totally swayed,these are just as pigmented as Sleek and cheaper too,i wouldn't say these were dusty but they are very pigmented so just use a light hand.
I love the range of colours they have chosen as these will see you the year round,they have pinks,peachy nudes and more vibrant tones,so great whatever season we are in ♥

I have done the swatches right next to the window with no flash so the colours are as true to life as they can be,they have no shimmer and most of the time i prefer a matte blush as then i can add my own highlight.
Gorgeous  pigmented barbie pink called Dare.
Here we have a peach toned shade called Beloved.
This is called Nude,it looks quite dark but just use a light hand and it's one of my faves
Fusion is quite similar to beloved but a bit darker and more a peachy pink.
This one is just w@w i love it,you certainly only
need a light hand with this one but the colour is amazing and called New Rules.
Divine is also one of my faves as it's a light soft baby pink that would suit most complexions but especially pale.

I do love the way MUR have Revolution embossed into the powder as love any attention to detail.

I'm so very happy with these and i would say they are well worth £3.00,do you own any yet? would you love to try any and if so i would love to know which one you would like to try?

You can purchase yours here on the Makeup revolution website or Superdrug also sell MUR too,so i will leave both links.

Thanks always for reading,take care love Littlemissstyleguru aka Vinny ♥♥

I do also have a beauty/style and family type Youtube channel if you would like to subscribe then the links are below thanks

PS ... Please don't leave my blog without following as i would love to know you are keeping up to date with my feeds and it makes my day to know you are reading them so thank you so much


Cargo Cosmetics Vintage Escape Eye Shadow Palette Swatches & Review

Cargo Cosmetics Vintage Escape Eye Shadow Palette Swatches & Review 

Hi all welcome back to my blog or if you are new then hi my name is Vinny,if your not a follower of my blog then please do so by using either google friends connect or bloglovin,it's easy and means the whole world to me as i know you are reading and loving my blog,as in turn i love blogging for you ♥

This is a review or the Cargo Cosmetics Vintage Escape palette.
Now i had heard of cargo before but for some odd reason i didn't even know they sold it in the UK let alone Debenhams,this palette is sold out on Debenhams but it is available here on Fragrance Direct.

First off i have to mention the packaging as it's gorgeous and reminds me of a vintage leather backed book or binder,it's a beautiful faux leather in a camel brown with Cargo printed onto the front and a mirror inside the lid.
So far so good but does it get better???

well what can i say but yes of course it gets better,this is honestly one of the most stunning palettes i own,as you all know for high end i love my Urban Decay but for me this is 100% on par with my UD as it comes with a double ended brush and the most stunning shades ever.
Cargo do a few palettes and i actually would like to get more but this one caught my eye as the colours are neutral and they swatch amazing as you will see now....

This is the top row of six colours and they are very soft and buttery just like Urban Decay although cargo doesn't have as much fall out as UD {bonus} it's fab to have a matte and shimmer highlight in the same palette as i use both,just look at that gorgeous chocolate brown and the gold,the silvery gun metal grey is one of my faves and the black at the end is not a true black black  although is very pigmented.
Then the colours above are just w@w as you can see they speak for themselves.The shimmery yellow gold is beautiful and the next two matte shades are great for a crease colour or even mixed to create another shade for the crease,then we have a green and i think most people suit green eye shadow as i know i do and it works well with browns and golds,then we have a shimmery brown bronze and last is a totally matte deep dark brown which actually looks darker than the black.

The shades are easy to blend and great for an everyday or even an evening look smoked out using the darker shades,i would go as far as to say this is one of my most favourite palettes i own and this is why i would like to try more Cargo at some point.

Thanks for reading and i can't rave about this enough,if you have not tried it then you really should.
Love Littlemissstyleguru aka Vinny x♥x

I also have a beauty/style Youtube channel and Family type channel too,so if you would like to check that out then the links are below,please subscribe thanks.

PS .. Also please don't leave my blog without following as without you reading this means nothing but your ongoing support means the world to me so thankyou,i do a little dance each time i get a new follower on here,well i do the dance in my head of course hee hee or the kids would think i had gone cracker,love you all loads vinny ♥♥


Bell Hypoallergenic CC Cream Makeup Review Beauty Crowd

Bell Hypoallergenic CC Cream Makeup Review

Hi all welcome back to my blog or if you are new then hi my name is Vinny,please follow my blog using google friends connect it's really easy and i love to know you are reading and keeping up to date,this makes my day so much ♥♥

Back to the review,i was kindly sent this Bell Cosmetics cc cream for free to review from Beauty Crowd {thanks so much}
If you have never heard of Beauty Crowd then it's a cool website that sell different brands but more so brands that are harder to get hold of like from the USA for example Milani,L.A.Color and L.A.Girl and my beloved Freedom Makeup too,and rumour has it that soon they will be selling Essence too,whoop whoop.

I had never heard of Bell Cosmetics until i was sent a face powder from Beauty crowd,but i was that blown away by the formula and velvet texture that i have actually hit pan on it about 2 months after receiving it,so if you know me i have tons of makeup and never hit pan on anything to be honest as i use all different thing,but that one powder was gorgeous and this is the powder i mean 
So i was excited when i was asked to review the CC cream,it is Hypoallergenic so great for sensitive skin which is a big thumbs up,it comes in different shades and mine is shade Cream nude which i have tried to show is the photos below.
Love that it's in a squeezy tube as no messing about pouring a bottle,it's just a nice design.

So this is the colour above on white paper and back of my hand,as you can see it's a great colour,this isn't rubbed in but because it's a cc cream then this actually sinks into my skin and doesn't leave a colour if that makes sense ,so it's the perfect colour as it's just to even out the skin tone which it does.

Oh and now for the scary part eekk lol,yes I'm no spring chicken I'm 36 :( lol and although people always say i have great skin,in fact i have really huge pores which i hate.
I do get the odd spots from time to time but in general my skin is OK but not so flawless due to large pores and pigmentation colour after giving birth,so this is where this creams comes into it's own as my skin in pink with brown marks in other area's {weird i know} but after using this cream the cc colour corrector cream makes it much better.
above me with no makeup lol i know i told you it would scare you,people always say my eyes look mad on photos ha ha.
Here is me with the cc cream all over and ready to go,I'm not sure why but when it comes to BB or CC creams then i do prefer to use my fingers and hands to rub it in as it's more like moisturiser to me than foundation so makes more sense ♥
This is straight after applying the cream,no powder nothing just the cream,it doesn't have any coverage to be honest,it's not thin as it's actually very creamy and not too greasy but more a matte i would say as sinks into my skin lovely,so hopefully you can see some difference between the No makeup first photo and this photo,not loads of difference but i have to admit it has evened out my skin and now it's all the same colour :)
This photo is after concealer under my eyes and powder on top,the powder i mentioned above and i was really happy with the outcome as some days you just don't want it all thick and cakey,especially now I'm older so less is more as they say.
I wasn't actually going out this day i was just testing out lol but i thought i would add contour,bronzer and blush too,just to give you a better picture that actually you don't need a full on foundation some days,you just need a good BB or CC cream ♥
Ha ha totally a different colour photo sorry but lighting can be a pain grrr,this was the same day but about 6 hours later and to me it still looked the same only it had gone oily on my T-Zone by evening but i have never tried a foundation or anything that ever stops my oil from coming through,so all in all I'm really happy with this gorgeous cc cream and i thought it looked really nice after the initial scary photo hee hee {didn't do brows as wasn't going out}

The last two photos above are another day as i thought i would test it out properly as then i could give you a true feeling,lighting is silly in my house sorry,one was taken in the bedroom but last one in the bathroom where it is really bright.

But i can honestly say while i have no spots then i might be leaning towards using more CC or BB creams instead of full on foundation as it's felt really nice and fresh the whole day,OK now I'm typing this really late and it's oily again but i would expect that from a full day's wear,it doesn't go blotchy though unlike some foundation which is fab.

If you want coverage then i would say this isn't for you,but if you are starting back to school or older like myself or just can't be bothered with cakey foundation then please check this out.

I'm totally loving Bell Cosmetics at the moment.if you would love to try this CC cream then please click the link below
Also if you didn't know,Bell Cosmetics do a whole range so check them out here

Thanks so much for reading and hope you enjoyed this full on photo review as i really enjoyed trying this out and loving it,as always thanks for reading Littlemissstyleguru aka Vinny

If you would like to check out other brands that Beauty Crowd do then please click here to see what else they have to offer ♥

I have a beauty/style Youtube and family type one if you would like to subscribe then come and say hi using the links below thanks x♥x

PS .. Please don't leave this blog without following as i would love you to read and let me know what you think,thanks guys 


W7 In The Buff Vs Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette Dupe & Swatches

W7 In The Buff Vs Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette & Swatches

Hi all welcome back to my blog or if you are new here then hi my name is Vinny,please would you follow my blog using google friends connect or bloglovin as that would mean the world to know you were keeping up to date with my feeds ♥

So this is a blog on the W7 Cosmetics Dupe palette for the Urban Decay Naked 2 and it called In The Buff {love the name}
The packaging has been kept very similar to Urban Decay which i love,it is very secure in a lightweight tin and in a similar colour too.
Here are the palettes,the W7 is on top and UD to the bottom.
The UD comes with duel ended brush and the W7 comes with a brush one side and applicator the other side,as you can see in the palette they look very similar and actually the swatches are not a let down either.
Here are swatches of W7 on top and UD to the bottom,some of the colours are slightly different but actually some of the W7 colours seemed more pigmented,they were sightly dusty but still very blendable and UD do have a lot of fall our anyway.
I actually use my dupe palettes for a back up to save my Urban Decay but if you can't afford the £37 price tag of UD then this palette is only £5.99 and can be purchased here

also this is the W7 website saying where else they sell W7 Cosmetics ....

Fragrance Direct is a fab website and also sells W7 so if your interested click here...

Do you own this palette or would you love to try it? please let me know as I'd love to hear your thoughts thanks for reading Littlemissstyleguru aka Vinny x♥x
If you didn't know then i also have a beauty/style channel on Youtube so if you would like to subscribe then check out the links below ♥♥

PS please don't leave without following my blog and I'm everywhere else too like Twitter Instagram Facebook etc,just come and say hi,links are above in where to find me xx


Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour Palette Review

Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour Palette Review

Hi there and welcome back to my blog or if you are new then hi my name is Vinny,please could you subscribe to my blog using google friends connect or bloglovin,as i really love to know you are reading ♥

This is a review on the new Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour Palette,i just had to buy this as I'm not the worlds best at contouring and i really want to get more into it with practise as practise makes perfect as they say.

This palette is £8.00 so really cheap for so many colours,you get 3 shades of contour which are totally matte brown,i do think they are quite dark brown and i think a lighter one was needed but who knows they may bring out a lighter one for more pale skin in the future? I have pretty pale skin but I'm not totally white,i think i suit the middle brown colour the best as that is more a brown and the other two are more a red brick brown but certainly {not orange} and not shimmery so fantastic.
The other powders are for highlight but they are also matte,so if you do go too heavy on the contour then don't worry as the powders will blend that right down to cancel out any harsh lines or mistakes and this is why i love this palette.
The two end colours are both baked,one is a white highlight shimmer and the other a bronzed highlight shimmer,so basically you have everything in one palette here to highlight contour and add a shimmer glow to you cheeks,and yes that is also the Makeup Revolution Contour brush in the photo too,it's angled and great for this purpose.
So here are the swatches,how pigmented and gorgeous are these and all for a mere £8.00,i have been using the middle brown bronzer in the swatch and obviously you are going to use with a brush and not a swatch with your finger ha ha,so it's lovely to blend in and really smooth too,i do like how it's been made for different skin tones,i just use a light hand and I'm fine it's perfect.

So do you own this already or are you eager to give it a go? if so then please check it out on the MUR website below

or i actually think Superdrug might now sell this in some stores so check out your Superdrug and using the link below too.

As always thanks so much for reading,love and hugs Littlemissstyleguru aka Vinny x♥x

If you didn't know then i have a beauty/style channel also on youtube and a family type one,so i will link them both below if you would like to subscribe thanks xx

PS .. please don't leave my blog without following,just so i know you are keeping up to date with reading them as it means the whole world to me,thanks all xx♥xx


Most Popular Baby Names For 2014 ..Pregnant or Is Your Baby On Here ?

Most Popular Baby Names For 2014 ..Is Your Baby On Here ?

Hi there and welcome back to my blog or if you are new then hi my name is Vinny.I would be over the moon if you could follow my blog using either google friends connect or bloglovin as it's easy simple and i love chatting to you guys so thanks ♥

So this is a list of the top 100 baby girl and baby boy names for 2014 as taken from The Office Of National Statistics ONS.

I thought it might be an interesting read if you are pregnant and thinking of baby names or like myself wanted to know if your child was on here hee hee.

My children are not on either the girls or boys list which I'm happy with as that is why i chose different names,we all have names which we love but i wanted my children's to be a bit different.
My daughter is named Teegan and my son Tayum,so i had a feeling Teegan might be on here as it's not that uncommon tbh but it has a few different spellings,but i think I'm safe to say that Tayum will never be on the list lol {unique}
although they both have two middle names each which are not as rare and which do appear on both lists as Tayum's middle names are James & Michael and Teegan's middle names are Sophia & Rose which are quite widely used names.

I have seen some names on both of these lists which i really really love and i really enjoy looking through baby names,their is just something so cute about it.
So i hope you enjoy reading them too x♥x

Top 100 Girls Names For 2014

1 Amelia 5,327 (number) No change (change in rank since 2013)
2 Olivia 4,724 No change
3 Isla 4,012 Up 2
4 Emily 3,991 Down 1
5 Poppy 3,273 Up 2
6 Ava 3,171 Down 2
7 Isabella 3,022 Up 1
8 Jessica 2,995 Down 2
9 Lily 2,965 Up 3
10 Sophie 2,905 Down 1
11 Grace 2,785 Up 2
12 Sophia 2,752 Up 3
13 Mia 2,727 Down 3
14 Evie 2,664 No change
15 Ruby 2,595 Down 4
16 Ella 2,465 No change
17 Scarlett 2,359 No change
18 Isabelle 2,241 Up 1
19 Chloe 2,215 Down 1
20 Sienna 2,174 Up 2
21 Freya 2,164 Down 1
22 Phoebe 2,099 Up 2
23 Charlotte 2,018 Down 2
24 Daisy 1,957 Down 1
25 Alice 1,783 Up 2
26 Florence 1,781 Up 3
27 Eva 1,725 Down 1
28 Sofia 1,692 Up 2
29 Millie 1,685 Down 4
30 Lucy 1,664 Down 2
31 Evelyn 1,506 Up 14
32 Elsie 1,497 Up 15
33 Rosie 1,475 Up 5
34 Imogen 1,463 No change
35 Lola 1,441 Down 3
36 Matilda 1,440 No change
37 Elizabeth 1,398 Up 2
38 Layla 1,391 Down 7
39 Holly 1,362 Down 6
40 Lilly 1,352 Down 3
41 Molly 1,349 Down 6
42 Erin 1,343 Down 2
43 Ellie 1,308 No change
44 Maisie 1,221 Down 3
45 Maya 1,200 Up 6
46 Abigail 1,181 No change
47 Eliza 1,165 Up 12
48 Georgia 1,163 Up 12
49 Jasmine 1,155 Up 1
50 Esme 1,151 Up 8
51 Willow 1,142 Up 3
52 Bella 1,141 Up 4
53 Annabelle 1,108 Up 10
54 Ivy 1,103 Up 12
55 Amber 1,089 Up 10
56 Emilia 1,082 Up 8
57 Emma 1,071 Down 2
58 Summer 1,067 Down 10
59 Hannah 1,061 Down 15
60 Eleanor 1,049 Down 3
61 Harriet 1,016 No change
62 Rose 990 Up 6
63 Amelie 988 Down 11
64 Lexi 972 Down 22
65 Megan 879 Down 16
66 Gracie 871 Down 4
67 Zara 838 Up 3
68 Lacey 829 Down 15
69 Martha 807 Up 4
70 Anna 804 Down 1
71 Violet 754 Up 7
72 Darcey 727 Up 12
73 Maria 707 Up 10
74 Maryam 705 Up 6
75 Brooke 703 Down 8
76 Aisha 702 Up 18
77 Katie 701 Up 2
78 Leah 683 Down 7
79 Thea 678 Up 42 *new entry
80 Darcie 677 Up 23 *new entry
81 Hollie 673 Down 6
82 Amy 668 Down 6
83 Mollie 663 Down 12
84 Heidi 662 Up 15
85 Lottie 662 Up 20 *new entry
86 Bethany 648 Down 9
87 Francesca 646 Down 6
88 Faith 642 Down 14
89 Harper 623 Up 71 *new entry
90 Nancy 615 Up 21 *new entry
91 Beatrice 610 Up 4
92 Isabel 608 Down 7
93 Darcy 606 No change
94 Lydia 602 Up 6
95 Sarah 601 Up 1
96 Sara 596 Up 4
97 Julia 593 Down 15
98 Victoria 584 Down 10
99 Zoe 580 Down 2
100 Robyn 577 Up 19 *new entry

Top 100 Boys Names For 2014

1 Oliver 6,649 No change
2 Jack 5,804 No change
3 Harry 5,379 No change
4 Jacob 5,050 No change
5 Charlie 4,642 No change
6 Thomas 4,405 No change
7 George 4,320 Up 3
8 Oscar 4,269 Down 1
9 James 4,167 No change
10 William 4,134 Down 2
11 Noah 4,085 Up 2
12 Alfie 3,868 Down 1
13 Joshua 3,812 Down 1
14 Muhammad 3,588 Up 1
15 Henry 3,572 Up 3
16 Leo 3,414 Up 1
17 Archie 3,099 Down 1
18 Ethan 3,061 Down 4
19 Joseph 3,041 No change
20 Freddie 3,023 Up 15
21 Samuel 3,021 Down 1
22 Alexander 2,978 Up 2
23 Logan 2,813 Up 5
24 Daniel 2,775 Down 2
25 Isaac 2,636 Up 4
26 Max 2,602 Down 1
27 Mohammed 2,536 Down 4
28 Benjamin 2,490 Up 2
29 Mason 2,470 Down 2
30 Lucas 2,445 Down 4
31 Edward 2,417 Up 2
32 Harrison 2,214 Up 4
33 Jake 2,207 Down 1
34 Dylan 2,188 Down 3
35 Riley 2,177 Down 14
36 Finley 2,115 Down 2
37 Theo 2,008 Up 4
38 Sebastian 1,965 No change
39 Adam 1,790 Up 1
40 Zachary 1,670 Down 1
41 Arthur 1,649 Up 2
42 Toby 1,352 Up 2
43 Jayden 1,334 Down 1
44 Luke 1,322 Up 1
45 Harley 1,303 Up 4
46 Lewis 1,236 No change
47 Tyler 1,235 Down 10
48 Harvey 1,228 No change
49 Matthew 1,216 Down 2
50 David 1,209 No change
51 Reuben 1,166 Up 3
52 Michael 1,139 Up 1
53 Elijah 1,125 Up 16
54 Kian 1,123 Up 41
55 Tommy 1,120 Down 3
56 Mohammad 1,116 Up 1
57 Blake 1,106 Down 1
58 Luca 1,101 Up 2
59 Theodore 1,090 Up 19
60 Stanley 1,059 Up 10
61 Jenson 1,058 Down 3
62 Nathan 1,055 Down 7
63 Charles 1,037 Down 2
64 Frankie 1,030 Down 2
65 Jude 1,018 Up 7
66 Teddy 1,017 Up 20
67 Louie 1,015 Up 4
68 Louis 999 Up 9
69 Ryan 989 Down 18
70 Hugo 956 Up 4
71 Bobby 922 Down 12
72 Elliott 914 Up 12
73 Dexter 908 Down 10
74 Ollie 906 Up 6
75 Alex 903 Down 10
76 Liam 902 Down 9
77 Kai 858 Down 13
78 Gabriel 842 Up 1
79 Connor 841 Down 13
80 Aaron 819 Up 1
81 Frederick 815 Up 1
82 Callum 803 Down 9
83 Elliot 780 Down 7
84 Albert 778 Up 15
85 Leon 765 Down 10
86 Ronnie 756 Up 4
87 Rory 755 Up 9
88 Jamie 749 Down 20
89 Austin 707 Up 5
90 Seth 694 Up 7
91 Ibrahim 669 Down 2
92 Owen 663 Down 7
93 Caleb 648 Down 5
94 Ellis 641 Up 9 *new entry
95 Sonny 640 Up 5
96 Robert 631 Up 2
97 Joey 627 Up 5 *new entry
98 Felix 614 Down 7
99 Finlay 611 Down 12
100 Jackson 602 Up 6 *new entry

This Information was taken from The Independent website and thought if you read my blogs then you might find it interesting,all you parents or parents to be ,so thanks for reading littlemissstyleguru aka Vinny 
Here is original article

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