
Off to get lost!

My family recently lost a cousin to cancer, a fierce Irish woman with the heart of gold. With that news and having my boys at their fathers this weekend I decided to embark on a little trip of my own! My mom let me barrow her handy Prius and were off to do some camping. Feel free to check in on my trip via Instagram (clementineolive) other wise my phone will be disconnected for the next couple days, not a bad thing ;)

Love that little shot of my brother and I at Lake Tahoe. Wanderlust at heart...

My little brother and I / Lake Tahoe CA


Whats my readers rug choice?

I am rehauling my dining room and I would just love to hear my readers input on which rug you like most with a tiger oak pedestal find from craigslist, and potential dining chairs from world market. 

Option 1#

Option 2#

 Option #3

Option #4

Option #5

(help...)   :)

Alright, ready, set? chime in on the comments below!

Company Style Blogger Awards 2013

Dress: Virgos Lounge. Hat: Topshop. Boots: TK Maxx. 
Last night as I’m sure you’re aware, was the long awaited Company Magazine Style Blogger Awards. I was so nervous travelling down on my own but thankfully the beauties Katy (Little Winter) and Robyn (Robyn Mayday) were there to meet me at the station and we scurried around London for the best part of an hour trying to find the venue – which turned out to be the cutest little bar just off brick lane.

I don’t think I’ve ever felt so overwhelmed walking in to a room filled to the brim with amazing bloggers and fashion professionals - I was scared to say the least. Of course there was nothing to be worried about, every single person I spoke to was wonderful and so friendly. It's great to finally meet people in 'real' life!

Company had put on such a wonderful event with Paul Mitchell hairstyling, a D.I.Y sunglasses station and of course the trusty photo booth. Then it was time for the awards presented by the amazing Victoria White and Oonagh Brennan....

I only went and bloody won!!! I felt my face go as red as a tomato and my ears burn to about 500 degrees as I headed up on stage to collect my award, thankfully no-one booed! I actually can’t believe that Wonderful You was even considered for short-listing let alone winning, it’s honestly made me feel so happy and proud of this little blog and to be recognised by you guys is so amazing – really, thank you x100000000000. I quite hate being gushy but honestly I’m so grateful to anyone who voted. AND a huge congratulations to Katy for receiving highly commended in Best Duo, Victoria from In The Frow for winning Best Personal Style Blog – Newcomer and my fave Becky from milk bubble tea who won best use of Photography! You guys absolutely rock my socks!

I went on to drink probably far too many cocktails and danced the night away on our imaginary dance floor with some bloomin’ lovely ladies.

Thank you Company Magazine for hosting such a lovely evening and thank you again to YOU amazing people's for giving me the opportunity to even be there. 


p.s. I totally got a fringe ;)

and I quote...

hehe, love that last one...

For the mamas expecting THIS little post made me smile!

Parisian apartment

Thanks so much for all your well wishings on the new pregnancy! I am totally in awe with the lovely comments! 
I love Parisian apartments, many of them are with nicely decorated ceilings and walls and of course a marble fire place. They weather these days are rainy and cold and that is what attracted me to this apartment, dark, masculine but you can see yourself here with a an oversized cashmere sweater sipping a hot tea after you did your shopping in Le Marais district. Fortunately I have been many times to this romantic city and I can not get enough of it. I love Paris!

Another favorite is the herringbone floor.

images via


Recipe for a happy heart.

After a drizzly memorial day weekend full of brew hopping I spent today with a fresh new start. This weather was warm and uplifting, just what I needed. The boys and I went to the Portland farmers market to pick up my very first peony batch of the season. I know, it's silly and small but those flowers make my world! They look wowza against my Turkish table cloth.

We headed home afterwards to make a few loafs of banana walnut paleo style bread and I spent the evening on a refreshing ride through the willamatte valley area and the wild flowers.


The reason of my absence lately...

Hello luv´s! This is the reason for my absence lately, and I am so happy I can finally say that I am 8 weeks pregnant! I have been telling friends these days and I am astonished many of them ask if we were looking for a second baby so soon? Yes we were. I always have wanted 2 kids. I grew up as a happy only child but believe me I would commit ....anything... to have a brother or a sister, so if you have brothers or sisters, treasure that! I am due in the beginning of January 2014, Matt will be almost 2 years then. I am bullied with nausea, and I forgot how it was to be pregnant in the first trimester, uuuuh.
Hopefully soon I feel a bit better and I am back to posting often. Yesterday I had a girl from London visiting our place, and I had to say I was a bit shy to show her around, with Matt now walking and running trought the house nothing is neat! The house is a mess, ooo what would it be with 2 kids? 


Raspberry Froop and Sugar Mat Nails

Chocolate and raspberry yoghurt combined in little chocolate bits - Schogetten in love with Froop (a famous fruit yoghurt here in Germany): my current favorite sweet treasure (^_^). Introducing you (again) a very delicious kind of chocolate was a perfect reason to also show off with my current nail lacquer in a very berry color: No.645 from Kiko Make Up Milano's Sugar Mat nail lacquer collection (which is a Limited Edition - oh, *note to self: try other colors as long as its available* xD). 

Nagellack und Schokolade, wie passt denn das zusammen? - fragt Ihr Euch sicherlich. Aber derm aufmerksamen Beobachter ist sicherlich das beerige Farbzusammenspiel aufgefallen ! Süß war hier nicht nur die (überaus leckere Schokolade - ich mag solche Füllungen mit flüssig-geleeartigen Konsistenzen - *schlürf*schleck*) sondern auch der Nagellack mit seiner zuckerartigen Konsistenz, die auch die Bezeichnung 'Sugar Mat' , also matter (sprich: glanzloser) Zucker, widerspiegelt. Wobei glanzlos eigentlich nicht so wirklich zutrifft, denn gerade unter künstlichem Licht funkelt und schimmert der Lack von Kiko (Farbnummer 645) wie weinroter Feenstaub (*^ -^*), und mein eigentlich geplanter Princess Post kommt dann als Nächstes an die Reihe (*.*)!

Und für Alle, die noch nicht teilgenommen haben:
Mein Giveaway läuft noch bis zum 1. Juni -


New Art

I've included a newer art piece for sale, you can see more pictures in the navigation above!

$190 - Spring Jane


Jumper: c/o The Hut. Boots: Urban Outfitters. Hat: Topshop.

I’m not the girl who has embraced the ombre hairstyle – I think it looks great on other people but for me I think I’d just look a bit stupid really. However the ombre theme in every other sense of the word interests me immensely – oh how I wish I was talented enough to put together an ombre lip...alas I cannot so of course when it comes to clothes I’m all over it. 

When the Hut got in contact letting me know they’re re-launching their women’s wear section ofthe website, I picked this lovely jumper out of their samples and it is literally the comfiest ever, ever. The material is so soft and well made and from the looks of the website it’s hugely affordable too. Unfortunately this jumper isn't yet available to buy but they’ve got a cheeky 20% off to celebrate the launch when you enter TREAT at checkout, so go have a gander – I’ve personally got my eye on the daisy print crop, it’s so pretty!

This weekend I'm going to Oxford to spend time with my nan :) I can't wait - I've missed her loads! What's everyone else up to?


Pretty Little Secrets

I have a passion for asian cosmetic products and sweets. My first German Dunkin Donut was 'raspberry vanilla' flavor .

Ich habe eine Vorliebe für asiatische Kosmetikprodukte und süße Leckereien. Mein erster Frankfurter Dunkin Donut hatte die Geschmacksrichtung 'Himbeer Vanille' .

When i was in high-school i used to ride my skateboard. I still got my board and my last pair of distressed Vans slip-ons - in memory of the olden days.

Als ich noch zur Schule ging, bin ich eine Zeit lang Skateboard gefahren. Mein letztes Paar ausgelatschte Vans Slip-ons habe ich auch noch - in Erinnerung an die alten Zeiten.

When i buy stylish clothes at Zara,H&M etc., i always keep an eye on the tag if it is 'Made in China'. In fact, those clothing pieces have the best fitting and fashioning.

Wenn ich mir stylishe Kleidungsstücke bei Zara, H&M usw. kaufe, achte ich immer darauf, dass es 'Made in China' ist. Diese Kleidungsstücke haben in der Regel nämlich die beste Passform und Verarbeitung.

Even as a child i was very creative and i was playing with advertising magazines. I created my own comic and advertising magazines for kids.

Schon als Kind war ich recht kreativ und ebenfalls 'in der Werbung' tätig. Ich habe meine eigenen Comics und Werbeprospekte für Kinder gebastelt und gezeichnet.

       Was war der Anlass für diesen Kleine-Geheimnisse-Post?

        später von XIUPAU  den Liebster Blogger 
        Award verliehen. Juhuuu (^__^)!!

        Vielen Dank Ihr Beiden! Thank you very much

Bei beiden Awards geht es darum einige Fakten / Dinge über sich zu erzählen und neu entdeckte, meist relativ unbekannte Blogs via Verlinkung zu unterstützen und gleichzeitig auch ein bisschen über die Blogger zu erfahren.. Es ist also auch so eine Art Mini-Blogvorstellung. Ich habe in meinem Fall mal alles schön kompakt gehalten und 5 Fakten / Dinge über mich zusammen gefasst.

Hier sind nun meine Top 3 Nominierten für den Versatile Blogger Award bzw. den Liebster Blogger Award. Ich hoffe Ihr freut Euch und ich bin schon ganz gespannt auf Eure kleinen Geheimnisse :

             the Versatile Blogger Award  goes to
                     Jenny    von     Imaginary Lights 
                 Kelly     von     KelKel's Love 
                 Ina      von     Petite Saigon 

      the Liebster Blogger Award goes to
                                       Lovely      von    Another Kind Of Beauty Blog
                      Sooyoona     von     Something Beautiful 
                   Alexandra    von    Through The Lens