Simple concept right?
Do you look at life with regret or as lessons learned? They're are so many different aspects in a life time to apply this too and when is being too cautious enabling. Making decisions out of love, anger, laziness, fear, pride, can leave you with regret OR (what I like to choose to believe) knowing it's a tool an experience that shapes you.
When we live with years of negativity surrounding a decision it's absolutely unnecessary for personal growth. It's hard to force your self to tell off your negative thoughts but easy when you make it a personal habit. Like affirmations and self awareness! Two combinations that make moving forward a breeze easier, and simple to know your good enough and worthy of love, happiness and good things to come. I've worked really hard in many (not all) decisions of my life and felt such reward when they finally succeeded and amounted to something. The tricks are: making good decisions, being honest to your self and most importantly sticking it out when challenges occur and you feel those awful negative emotions creep up; then the balance (drum roll please...)
Being aware when it's not healthy anymore, when you work at a situation, or idea for so long it's starts to have negative impacts, OR you thought about it for so long and didn't make any decisions it enabled you.
Being aware when it's not healthy anymore, when you work at a situation, or idea for so long it's starts to have negative impacts, OR you thought about it for so long and didn't make any decisions it enabled you.
Any decision I've thought long and hard or situation I worked long and hard AT I have never regretted, even if I disliked the outcome, I still didn't regret it. Very few, of the impulsive choices were successful and then there were the rest which are character builders, life lessons and things I'll never do again ;)

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