
Meet Chanel & Marc

Friday afternoon on my regular goodwill hunt I decided to dabble through the purse selection. Imagine me on the phone with my mom blabbing away 

Meet Mr. Marc "Omgsh mom! You wouldn't believe what I found! Wow. I wonder if theres anything else??"

In steps Ms. Chanel "Mom holy crap!" I throughly detail the bag with my eyes for signs of a replica. So far it's obviously used with moderate wear, purse and tassle real lambskin. The inside is worn including the 5 digit code in the bottom of the purse which is suppose to show it's authenticity.  Heck, if it was a replica it's the best one I've seen... 

Both purses were both under $20.00 and the very very very best part was I was literally scouring Ebay for similar ones by Marc and Chanel for my up coming trip to California. 

*At this point I was doing a silent happy dance*

and then became not so silent once I Ebay'd the chanel purse HERE

Sometimes I wonder why in the world would people give things like this away - then I quickly don't care because they obviously found a new loving owner.

I'd love to hear a story of something you found that blew your mind?

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