
Back up baby kit.

Thank you everyone for the lovely comments on the asian dresser make over! I hope from now on you (and I) look at asian pieces in different way. Last year I would have never touched a piece with hardware like that. So glad I did! I'll hopefully be picking up more of those soon. Next week stay tuned for my next furniture make over. It's a hollywood regency faux bamboo console. It's going to be painted in the exact same grey color as the asian dresser I just did. 

The past few weeks I have been full force on family organization. I'll be sharing tips here and there for what has been working for me. These days my main focus is meal planning (duh), and planning out the year/month with activities to look forward to such as trips and play dates.. maybe even a mommies night out, maybe.

Here is tip number one for all the moms out there that don't already have a back up kit. Here is an example of one that I'm going to be keeping in my car from now on. It will hopefully keep me from having those major head aches. 

Since I've become a mom of twins, I feel like sometimes my head isn't screwed on and I forget thing, especially little things. The other day I got the boys dressed, headed to Seattle and forgot their coats sitting on the counter!

Here is my new kit that I'd like to share. Pack it with the things you especially tend to forget.

Back up baby kit for my car

Counter Clockwise: Babylegs I put them in there to save room as I have twins. As this is an emergency/backup bag I just want something to cover their legs, keep them warm until we get home Diaper Do I need any explanation with that one? ;) Spoon I packed a jar of baby food. My boys are too old for mashed food but, it's handy when it comes to emergencies! Crackers/Treat Bar Back up food Sippy Cup or a straw Even if you have a young toddler throw an extra old bottle in. Baby food Again put things in the bag that your age of child would need. I could probably still get my boys to eat this in case for example we broke down and wasn't going to be around food for a while. Socks Good to have an extra pair of those around

What else would you bring if you were stranded or say things you tend to forget?

Mini first aid kit
$20 bill
Medium size bottle of apple juice
A blanket, Preferably one that's small that you'd find in the baby isle

What else?

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