Throwing it Back | Rugrats Style
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Dungarees: c/o Oh my Love. T-shirt: Primark. Watch: Guess. Trainers: c/o Bucketfeet |
Dungarees of any sort just make me think back to my childhood - specifically watching episodes of the Rugrats - if you're with me on this one / are old enough to know what the hell I'm talking about please can we have a little moment to sing along to the theme tune?
Now I have your attention, let's discuss these dungarees...I have to admit that I bloomin' love wearing them. Not only are they amazingly comfortable, but they really do make me feel youthful which is sometimes quite easy to forget. I am still young and able to have fun - life can get in the way of that and wearing dungarees is a perfect excuse to not act like an adult for a day (or two).
I picked up this tee from trusty Primark over the weekend and obviously bought it in black too. I do love a plain t-shirt - they're so easy to accessorize and go with everything.
You know I have a serious shoe obsession and these beauties from Bucketfeet are my new favourites. Not only is the design very cool (yes I said cool) but the story behind the brand is something that I really love. Each shoe is individually designed by a different artist, which means talented artists are not only getting the recognition they deserve but each shoe is completely different and original. They've just launched over in the UK exclusively to Office, go grab yourself a pair (especially as these babies are currently in the sale!)
So, once again comfort prevails and just in time for the sun! Are you embracing your youth in dungarees or would you rather just watch an episode of Rugrats for old times sake? :)
Childhood memories,
Oh my Love,
Short Dungarees,
GUEST POST: Want to become a model? Unsure of how to get started? UK Models can help.
Modelling is something of a hot topic in the blogging world and although it's not everyone's cup of tea, I know lots of lovely ladies who read my blog that would be very interested in putting together a portfolio, testing the modelling water as such. Today is a little insight in to how you could get the ball rolling, if it's something that interests you!
Are you someone that dreams of being made over by professional makeup artists, posing for the camera in beautiful clothes and then seeing the final shots in print? If you are, then chances are that you have approached agencies or applied to online castings only to find that they are not who they say they are, or when you look in to the companies further, find that they are only trying to sell you expensive services and products for little in return.
If so then we can help. UK Models are a professional model support service, which means we can make sure that you can navigate the competitive world of modelling safely and successfully. Being a support service we can advise you on the type of modelling that we feel you would be best suited to, the routes in to modelling, break down who agencies are and how they will promote you. We can also offer those that are serious about making it in the industry the opportunity to experience a professional model shoot with the professional photographer, makeup artist and studio artist completely paid for by us giving you the chance to find out if the potential is there in front of the camera.
If after the shoot you have impressed the team and modelling is something that you feel that you want to forge a career in then you will have the opportunity of creating, building and buying your portfolio from the images taken on the day. A professional model portfolio is essential for a model looking to find work in the industry, which is why we work with studios that have over a decade of experience in shooting models and aspiring models in order to provide them with professional images that they can use to market themselves either with an agency or through freelancing. Of course some agencies can recommend photographers that they work with however if UK Models set up your shoot then you will get the opportunity to find out if you show model potential on the day and also decide if you want to pursue a career as a model before making the investment. It also means that you will own the full copyrights to the images if you choose to purchase them so you can use them with more than one agency (depending on their contract) or apply for freelance modelling alongside being signed to an agency therefore improving your casting opportunities.
Of course we don’t just leave you there, UK Models will continue to support you support for a full year so we are on hand to talk you through applying to agencies, casting directories, networking, contracts and commissions. So if you are wanting to break in to modelling and are unsure of how to get started the register with us today at our website.
Are you someone that dreams of being made over by professional makeup artists, posing for the camera in beautiful clothes and then seeing the final shots in print? If you are, then chances are that you have approached agencies or applied to online castings only to find that they are not who they say they are, or when you look in to the companies further, find that they are only trying to sell you expensive services and products for little in return.
If so then we can help. UK Models are a professional model support service, which means we can make sure that you can navigate the competitive world of modelling safely and successfully. Being a support service we can advise you on the type of modelling that we feel you would be best suited to, the routes in to modelling, break down who agencies are and how they will promote you. We can also offer those that are serious about making it in the industry the opportunity to experience a professional model shoot with the professional photographer, makeup artist and studio artist completely paid for by us giving you the chance to find out if the potential is there in front of the camera.
If after the shoot you have impressed the team and modelling is something that you feel that you want to forge a career in then you will have the opportunity of creating, building and buying your portfolio from the images taken on the day. A professional model portfolio is essential for a model looking to find work in the industry, which is why we work with studios that have over a decade of experience in shooting models and aspiring models in order to provide them with professional images that they can use to market themselves either with an agency or through freelancing. Of course some agencies can recommend photographers that they work with however if UK Models set up your shoot then you will get the opportunity to find out if you show model potential on the day and also decide if you want to pursue a career as a model before making the investment. It also means that you will own the full copyrights to the images if you choose to purchase them so you can use them with more than one agency (depending on their contract) or apply for freelance modelling alongside being signed to an agency therefore improving your casting opportunities.
Of course we don’t just leave you there, UK Models will continue to support you support for a full year so we are on hand to talk you through applying to agencies, casting directories, networking, contracts and commissions. So if you are wanting to break in to modelling and are unsure of how to get started the register with us today at our website.
*sponsored post
Here it comes!
I can't believe I am about to type this but, here it goes.
My babies 3rd birthday party is this Sunday and hold the breaks on life guys because this is going way-way-way-WAY too fast for this mama.
My babies 3rd birthday party is this Sunday and hold the breaks on life guys because this is going way-way-way-WAY too fast for this mama.
How did I get so lucky to have twins, to have these two as my children. I feel so blessed.
Don't get me wrong, they are more work then I'd ever imagined.
But, only the best things in life are worth working for.
I joke and, vent about how much of a struggle it is at times but then I join the blissful madness called childhood and you know what, its hard to imagine life can offer something more indescribable as loving your own children. Every single night I check in on them before I fall asleep my self. Its mainly to make sure their not sleeping on the edge of the bed (ready to fall off) but, it gives me a chance to sit, unwind and I always walk away wondering how I lived a single day with out them in my life.
The other night, one by one, I slowly unclenched Thomas the train from Ethan's little fingers. He fell asleep happily playing with his favorite toy... ugh, my heart bursts! Having children is a total, roller coaster and it never stops to amazing me how such a small moment like taking that little toy out of your childs hand can revive a tired, over stimulated soul and recharge it for tomorrows adventure.
The other night, one by one, I slowly unclenched Thomas the train from Ethan's little fingers. He fell asleep happily playing with his favorite toy... ugh, my heart bursts! Having children is a total, roller coaster and it never stops to amazing me how such a small moment like taking that little toy out of your childs hand can revive a tired, over stimulated soul and recharge it for tomorrows adventure.
This is true for many parents. I have never experienced love, cherished life fully, until I had them.
KMS California Tamefrizz Fighter Kit Review
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(KMS Tamefrizz Fighter Kit - £29.50 c/o KMS California Salons) |
It may sound silly, but hair is one of my favourite things about a person - I really think it speaks volumes about your personality. Everyone’s idea of ‘perfect’ hair is different and every single person has different hair ‘issues’. I’ve always been quite lucky with mine, in the respect that I don’t have to use heaps of products to maintain it’s condition - however my one major niggle is frizz. I try my best not to blow-dry my hair, but sometimes needs must and when I have to do it my hair is WILD. It is so thick, that the only way it knows how to react to heat is to frizz up – which is obviously not ideal, I think that’s why I find it so much easier to style my hair the day after I’ve washed it.
Trialling KMS California’s new fight frizz range was something I got a bit too excited about – usually I hate the thought of washing my hair but I couldn’t wait to see if it had a positive effect. So, let’s run through the products in the range one by one...
Shampoo & Conditioner:
The shampoo lathered up quite nicely however it wasn’t full on, so you know there’s not too many nasties in there making up for their lack of care with frothiness. With some shampoos I find that it makes my hair ever so knotty, meaning the conditioner has to work really hard to smooth it all out – this shampoo rinsed out beautifully and left my hair feeling super nourished (even under the shower). Following on with the conditioner focusing my efforts on massaging the product into the ends of my hair and working up to mid-way (never put conditioner in your roots...GREASE), rinsing it out I was pretty damn impressed. My hair felt so smooth under the water and completely de-tanlged.
De-Frizz Oil:
This is my favourite out of the three products. Applying from mid-way to the tips of my towel dried hair before blow-drying this oil is promising to hold on to those extra bits of frizz that the shampoo and conditioner couldn't quite catch and it definitely works it's magic. As I mentioned above, my hair is huge when I blow dry it and this really helped to tame it. I've also been keeping this in my handbag to use over the ends of my hair when I'm out and about to help if the air is damp etc.
The smell of all the products is heavenly, quite musky and sweet and it leaves your hair smelling of the product but it’s not at all over powering - a little bit like Theirry Mugler's Angel, but more subtle. Overall I'm impressed with the results - it definitely does what is says on the tin and leaves my hair smelling lovely. I think however, I would replace the conditioner with one tailored towards split ends just so I'm getting the nourishment my hair needs.
The picture above shows my hair freshly blow-dried from the shower - only using the KMS products.
Please do take in to account that these products aren't for dry or damaged hair and none of them will protect the hair, they will just help to keep frizz and flyaways at bay.
Is frizz something you and your hair suffer with? If you're screaming yes and want to get your mitts on the range it's available in selected KMS salons - find your nearest one here!
De-Frizz Oil:
This is my favourite out of the three products. Applying from mid-way to the tips of my towel dried hair before blow-drying this oil is promising to hold on to those extra bits of frizz that the shampoo and conditioner couldn't quite catch and it definitely works it's magic. As I mentioned above, my hair is huge when I blow dry it and this really helped to tame it. I've also been keeping this in my handbag to use over the ends of my hair when I'm out and about to help if the air is damp etc.
The smell of all the products is heavenly, quite musky and sweet and it leaves your hair smelling of the product but it’s not at all over powering - a little bit like Theirry Mugler's Angel, but more subtle. Overall I'm impressed with the results - it definitely does what is says on the tin and leaves my hair smelling lovely. I think however, I would replace the conditioner with one tailored towards split ends just so I'm getting the nourishment my hair needs.
The picture above shows my hair freshly blow-dried from the shower - only using the KMS products.
Please do take in to account that these products aren't for dry or damaged hair and none of them will protect the hair, they will just help to keep frizz and flyaways at bay.
Is frizz something you and your hair suffer with? If you're screaming yes and want to get your mitts on the range it's available in selected KMS salons - find your nearest one here!
Yves Rocher Retropical - Summer Limited Edition Review
Yves Rocher brought summer back - see below for further product details
Da bin ich wieder (^_^) ! Frisch am Start und endlich wieder mehr Zeit für Euch alle hier (vielen ♥-lichen Dank für all Eure lieben Kommentare) (=^.^). Meine To-Do-Liste ist recht lang, und zwischenzeitlich hat sich auch happening-mäßig (ist das nicht ein tolles d-englisches Wort?) so einiges getan, sodass ich mit zeitnahen Veröffentlichungen gar nicht mehr hinterher komme. Ganz oben auf der Liste der in nächster Zeit noch dringend zu beglückenden Blogger Kolleginnen stehen natürlich die liebe Kelly (Giveaway Paket versenden) und die gute Leonie (Social Media Icons gestalten). Des Weiteren auch noch meine seit gefühlten Ewigkeiten anstehende Verkündung meines Frankfurter Geheimtipps - insbesondere für alle Asia Fans (*zwinker, zwinker*)...oh, und der Princess Post (neiiin, das hab ich nicht vergessen^^). Und natürlich noch ein tolles Event, wo ich aber noch auf einen Teil der Fotos warten muss.
So, und nun komme ich mal zu meiner kleinen Yves Rocher Produkt Review (≧◡≦) (hierbei handelt es sich um einen Teil des Inhalts aus der Goodiebag vom Yves Rocher Blogger Eevent in Frankfurt):
Getestet habe ich hier als erstes den 'eye pencil' - eine sehr dezente, cremige Farbe, die mir sehr gut gefallen hat. Der Auftrag ist auch sehr angenehm und auch die Farbabgabe kann sich sehen lassen (komischerweise ist der Swatch auf meinem Arm eher rötlich und auf dem Auge wirkt es eher rosa (╹ェ╹)). Ich habe übrigens keine Lidschattenbase benutzt! Aufgetragen habe ich nur eine recht dünne Schicht Lidschatten (das war Absicht - allerdings solltet Ihr wenn Ihr einen stärkeren Farbauftrag wollt, die Farben feucht auftragen - siehe auch Swatch, denn sonst ist die Pigmentierung nicht allzu stark), da ich finde, dass mir so richtig dunkel aufgetragener Lidschatten im Alltag so überhaupt nicht steht. Das sieht auf Fotos immer schön aus, aber ich belasse es im Alltag, wenn überhaupt, lieber bei einem Lisdtrich.
Der Highlighter mit der schönen französichen Farbbezeichnung für 'Sonne' (soleil) ist ganz dufte (wirklich, er riecht angenehm - auf die Idee am Highlighter zu schnuppern muss man erst mal kommen xD), aber auf der Haut (zumindest bei mir) ist er so gut wie unsichtbar.
Yves Rocher - from left to right:
eyeshadow: blue | green | beige - eye pencil: orchidée rose - highlighter: soleil
Morgen stürze ich mich dann mal ins Sale Getümmel ヽ(๏∀๏ )ノ . Nach dem ganzen Stress muss man sich auch mal was Schönes gönnen. Habe hier und da schon die ersten Ausbeuten bewundern können - also höchste Zeit mal selbst auf die Jagd zu gehen (*^ -^*).
Make Breakfast Beautiful with Lizi's Granola!
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Original Granola, c/o Lizi's! |
Breakfast is really important to me - come to think of it I don’t think I’ve ever ‘missed’ breakfast in my entire life, I just love it. So when I was asked to get my taste buds around Lizi’s Granola I was totally game. Now I know what some of you might be thinking: ‘ew, granola is so bland and boring’ – how wrong you are. I am not joking when I say this is the best breakfast cereal I have ever tasted.
There’s a special way that this granola is put together and it’s formulated to have a low glycaemic load per serving so that energy is released really slowly. This makes it perfect as a breakfast meal – it will keep you feeling fuller for much longer meaning not only will you be satisfied on your way to work but there'll be no need for unnecessary snacking up until lunchtime.
You only need the smallest portion as a little really goes a long way. I’ve teamed mine up with Greek yogurt and strawberries and I feel so refreshed and ready for the day after eating this. I know it may sound a little silly, but tis true guys! I can’t quite explain the taste – you really need to try it for yourself, it’s absolutely heavenly. Sweet and savoury all at the same time and so so crunchy which is something I just have to have in a cereal.
Have you tried Lizi’s before? If you haven’t and you want to pick some up, just head to their website and grab a bag (which is actually pretty awesome in itself, non?) I’d love to know what you think!
A recipe for a happy heart
One of my best friends came in to town and we had such a good time, and the boys love their uncle Scott! Yesterday we made it out to hood river to visit with a friend and enjoy the local life a bit, while my mom so graciously watched my twinies. With the boys turning three years old next week, I'm pushing more of the learning actives in their daily routine. I got them each this massive pad of paper to learn to trace letters on and have a coloring session each day. They helped me make banana bread Monday, and it was gone by Tuesday.... We of course had to lick the bowl because isn't that the best part ?! Anyway, all together it's been a pretty fabulous week so far, and I've yet to pick up party decorations but I did manage to get them their very first hiking pack at rei... Oh mom... Priorities!
Twig Louis Chairs
I found these chairs. What do you think, are they do funky for you? A classic design with a twist.
What kind of table would you pair it?
Here is an inspiration for upholstery options!
beauty secrets
Lately I have pampered myself with many beauty goodies, especially from the brand Benefit. This Mascara was a huge discovery. I Looove it, best mascara of my life, and believe me I tried many.
It has a special brush so you can add mascara on the corners of your eyes, use the same tip to prolongate your lashes and then you apply the mascara the normal way and voila, the most pretty lashes ever. So if you are looking for a good mascara, this one is it!
I also use the Posietint, the lovely pink color, on my lips and cheecks. Lately I get many compliments on the way I look, I think these two are a perfect combination, as I like to look natural.
I also noticed some heads turning...maybe it´s the pregnancy, it makes me glow.
This above products was advised by a make up artist, I am heading to the pharmacy to get it today and will let you know. She uses it as a base for before applying make up. It leaves the skin thight, smooth and closed pores. It has collagen and aloe vera.
Ok need to go go ( get the above product and a pedicure ;)
beauty products,
best mascara,
they´re real,
Shake Away the Blues
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Blouse: Dahlia. Hat: Topshop. Skirt: c/o Skinnie Belle. Sandals: c/o EMU AustraliaS |
I’ve been feeling a bit ‘meh’ over the last couple of days. A little bad news combined with feeling stressed about the move has equalled a bit of a grumpy moo (I’m not calling myself a cow, it’s my nickname haha) surveyors negligence has left us a little in the lerch, failing to highlight obvious issue within the property - how rubbish . It may seem artificial and perhaps it is a little, but when I’m feeling like poop it always helps me to dress in brighter colours - it just makes me feel happier.
Shock horror my legs are out, haha. But it’s for good reason, not only has it been uber muggy meaning wearing any clothes is rather annoying, but these sandals are heavenly. EMU Australia sell the most unbelievable shoes – luxury footwear at it’s finest. I think investing in a sturdy pair of sandals is really important for summer time / holiday’s – there is nothing I hate more than blistered feet due to flip flops and these feel like little suede feathers surrounding my tootsies!
I’m hoping that this isn’t our English Summer though...I’d quite enjoy a few more roastie tostie weeks for my birthday! (which is next Wednesday by the way...god I’m old).
So - what’s your outfit of choice when you’re feeling blue? :)
Dahlia Fashion,
EMU Australia,
Outfit Post,
Skinnie Belle
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