During the move I realized I had way, WAY to many home accessories! I mean things I haven't thought of touching for years. So they all went to a shop in North Tacoma called, The Design Cottage. You'll be able to find other furniture items there that are refaced! I returned to portland with a few rooms of must have home decor I love and played all morning with the boys figuring out which should stay, which should go! And yep, I finally picked up that awesome target rug. I LOVE it!
A Bust in your home
I absolutely love Busts...only if they look like roman or greek sculptures, because these give a sophisticated feel to your home. Don´t show me busts of a young gypsy boy crying, those will go to the trash. In above picture its a small bust on a pretty vignette, it´s not too overwhelming.
This above bust does, it´s huge, but in an all white interior it looks amazing.
Not so fond of brown busts, I prefer the from white stone or marble, but I do love those black and white benches.
Above busts are the kind of busts that I prefer.
My Foxy Fashion Wants
Burberry Fox Head Clutch. Jacey Withers Fox Head Ring. Oasis Fox Print Dress. Layla Amber Fox Head Earrings. ASOS Fox Head midi belt. ASOS Fox Pouch. |
- Obvioulsy, I am never ever ever going to get my hands on the Burberry clutch, at £795 I'd have to sell my car and that would mean I couldn't go to work. Actually....this sounds like quite a great plan? (mwahaha). Thank you Hannah Maggs for introducing this amount of amazing-ness...NAAAT ;)
- The Jacey Withers ring is another pricey one at nearly £200, but I've been lusting after this for over a year now and have nearly purchased it on far too many occasions - it's so gorgeous though *sobs*.
- I love the deep wine colour on this and skater dresses are so simple to wear. Being Oasis it's not a cheapy one but I do love it rather a lot.
- Waaa how bloomin' cute is this little pouch? I want it to put all my travel toiletries in for Australia and at only a fiver I may have to ask Father Christmas nicely if he'll pop it in my stocking :)
- This midi belt is one of my faves of the bunch. I only own a few and none have a fox head on them. Clearly, this needs to be rectified immediately.
- I recently received one of Layla's lovely brooches as a gift from my Aunty and I just adore her stuff. These earrings are perfection.
I'm now going to go off and sulk at all the lovely foxy goodness I cant afford to buy.
Anyone else love them as much as I do?!
Imaginary Lights
this is Jenny´s Blog ♥ click on the pink highlighted words to find out more
Heute möchte ich euch den Blog von Jenny vorstellen: Vor einigen Wochen fragte mich die liebe Jenny ob wir nicht mal eine gegenseitige Blogvorstellung machen könnten. Ich finde diese Idee einfach klasse, denn im Gegensatz zu einer normalen Blogvorstellung, zeichnet sich diese Art der Vorstellung durch ein gegenseitiges Interesse am Inhalt des jeweils anderen aus. Ich hatte jedenfalls großen Spaß daran in Jennys älteren Blogeinträgen nach schönen, repräsentativen Fotos für die Vorstellung zu suchen. Dabei bin ich auf ein paar schöne fotografische Schätze gestoßen, die ihr oben in den Ausschnitten bewundern könnt. Die dazugehörigen Posts zu den Fotos findet ihr hier, hier, hier und hier. Jennys Blog ist übrigens kein reiner Photography Blog sondern ein schöner klassischer Personal Blog mit interessanten Reviews, und kreativen Do-It-Yourself Projekten (u.a. ein DIY - Galaxy Print Shirt!!) . Nun denn, Sapere Aude und schaut auf jedenfall mal bei Jenny vorbei ♪
Falls sonst noch jemand von meinen lieben Leserlein Lust auf eine gegenseitige Blogvorstellung hat - Lasst es mich wissen (^___^) ♥!!
♥ ♥ ♥
Ach ja, und vergesst nicht noch bei meinem Weihnachts-Giveaway mitzumachen ♥
Teil 3 folgt auch bald (●*∩_∩*●)
Wer mitmachen will bitte hier entlang:
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sketches for some cute tooth inspired DIY jewelry
Entwürfe für DIY Schmuck mit niedlichen Zahnmotiven
How I Style My Hair | Curly Girly
I’m the girl who finds a style she likes and tends to stick with it for about 50 years before she tries something new. Loose curls have been my ‘staple’ for the past year or so and I don’t think that’s going to change any time soon (approx 49 years remaining). Having reasonably long hair, you’d think it would take an age to curl it all but it really doesn’t. I can be styled, sprayed and ready to go in less than 20 minutes. That’s pretty speedy in my eyes (at least I hope it is?!)
Whenever my ‘face’ is in a post (typically outfit ones) you lovely lot always seem to comment on my messy mop – so I thought you might quite like to see my current styling routine?
I’ve always been passionate about beauty, but I must admit it’s only since I’ve started blogging that I’ve really taken an interest in different hair products. Up until recently, my Moroccan Oil was my only luxury product. Well it was pretty much the only product I used aside from shampoo and conditioner.
So in terms of protecting my hair from heat or using finishing sprays I wasn’t really fussed – I always thought, my hair looks alright without any products what’s the point? But when ghd sent me over their lovely little Style and Protect gift set I couldn’t resist giving it a whirl.
STEP 1: Brush through the hair - getting rid of any knots and tangles. |
STEP 2: Spray a light mist of ghd's Straight & Smooth all over the hair. |
STEP 3: Split the hair down the middle and secure with two clips. |
STEP 5: Curl the other side, following the same steps as the previous section. |
STEP 6: Apply ghd's Final Shine spray all over the hair (don't spray too hard as you only need a little bit to achieve best results!) |
STEP 7: Voila! You're done :D (One last thing - I do usually run my hands through the curls quickly to loosen them slightly :)) |
C/O Hairstyles from ghd |
To be honest, I'm pretty bowled over by the results and I was really wrong about thinking my hair looked ‘fine’ without using any other products. Using the protecting spray on blow dried hair before using my curlers means I have no fly-aways and the whole look is far smoother and sleeker. The final shine spray acts like a sort of glossy hair spray. My entire head almost glistens and it holds my curls like there's no tomorrow. I woke up the next morning and my hair looked pretty much the same - no hairspray used - nada. Very impressed. And don't even get me started on the scent! It's actually heavenly.
The paddle brush and clips are a lovely added touch to the set. I'm particularly fond of the brush - it doesn't pull on my knots and de-tangled beautifully.
I suppose the moral of this post is - you don't know unless you try and I'm definitely going to be experimenting with my hair care going forward - I might even buy this set for a few family members, it's amazing value for money at £39!
Do any of you scrummy lot have some products you'd recommend? I'm quite keen to try out some salt spray...?
I suppose the moral of this post is - you don't know unless you try and I'm definitely going to be experimenting with my hair care going forward - I might even buy this set for a few family members, it's amazing value for money at £39!
Do any of you scrummy lot have some products you'd recommend? I'm quite keen to try out some salt spray...?
Curling Hair,
Enrapture Totem Styler,
GHD Styling,
In with the new out with the old
Hey all!! Yes still alive here and with three days left in the month we are almost completely moved out of the old home and into the new; and what work it is! I couldn't be more grateful for having such loving friends to make this process possible and smooth... See you in Dec 1st with home up dates!
Matteo 9 months
Our little boy has turned 9 months already. He has 7 teeth and wants to walk most of the time, with our help ofcourse. But I am not suprised if he starts walking by himself soon, the cheeky little boy he is. One thing we love to do is hug...those thight hugs with his arms around my neck, so sweet.
He stands up alone in the bath, cot and with help of the furniture.
When meeting other woman, they want to show me pictures of their baby girls, or baby nieces and tell me that they ( matteo and the babygirl) make a nice couple in the future... Is this normal that woman already think fo far in the future? I found it hilarious that it happened 3 times already.
We went to London last weekend, hopefully soon i can post some pictures, we had a lovely time, wich I would love to show.
Outfit Post | Strictly Velvet
Tonight, a dear family friend is taking part in a charity dance where she'll be shaking her tooshy ballroom style - all in the aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. Mum and I are going on down to show our support and I thought I would share with you lovely lot what I'll be wearing!
Bag: Brand Village. Blouse: Zara. Leggings: Topshop. Shoes: Zara |
It's been a god awful day for weather today - so excuse the rain & me looking like a wet rat. I had to take these pictures before I drowned on our driveway!!
I have been after a new black bag since forever. I don't know what it is, there always seems to be the perfect tan bag available, but when it comes to a smart black bag it's like 'pooft' they all disappear and I am left sad and black-bag-less. So when I discovered this bad-boy on the Brand Village website I was head over heels and couldn't wait to get my filthy bag grabbing mitts on it. It's the perfect size, and has lots of little compartments inside (I'm a hoarder, so I love this).
I know, I know, I've gone for all black again - but my lips are red, so that counts as colour right? This blouse is so comfy and feels super luxurious - my favourite part being the velvet quilted shoulders and cuffed sleeves. I seem to really quite fancy the pants off velvet - as I'm wearing it on my bottoms too. You remember my black and white velvet leggings that I wore here? Well I loved them so ruddy much that my boyfriend was a bit wonderful and bought me them in black too. YAY! Probably to shut me up going on about my love for them. My little black glitzy shoes are from the Zara basic range and are perfect for dressing up quite a casual outfit. I pretty much hate wearing staggering heels, mainly because it hurts - so these little heels fit my style to a tee.
I know that cancer affects far too many people's lives - and still isn't something that many people can discuss openly. However, if any of you wonderful lot would like to make a small donation towards tonight then that would be so lovely and you can do so here.
Of course - please don't be offended by my asking or feel you have to; I just thought it would be nice to share it with you guys in-case it's something close to your heart too :)
What are you yummy lot up to over the weekend? I went to see Twilight last night. OHHHHHH my all I can say is, who wants to go with me again?!
ALSO - I'm getting my hair done next week and fancy something different....ideas?
A Little Film Photography
Some of you who follow my ramblings on Twitter may know that I’ve been on a 10 week photography course at my local college. In my last ‘photography post’ (if you can even call it that), I touched base on my passion for the art of Photography and my particular love for how wonderful I believe film photography is. (How many times am I going to say photography in this post?) Photography, photography, photography.
I haven’t edited or enhanced any of these images, as I wanted to show you how naturally beautiful film can be on it’s own. I had so much fun developing these in the dark room – although it does take an age to get it right! These ones are actually the original negatives from the camera – scanned on to my PC! Pretty nifty eh? I think I’ll pop down to boots on the weekend and get the rest developed properly.
When my lovely boyfriend kindly purchased me my first DSLR I thought it best that I start to learn the ropes – properly. I didn’t want to be using it on automatic and I wanted to make the most of the piece of kit I had. So I thought what better way, than taking a course that focuses on the basics? Little did I know that it would not only teach me everything I needed to know about digital, but it would also delve into the likes of film, and pinhole.
For my final project, I have to produce 6-10 images around a particular theme (of my choice). Being the morbid little sod that I am, I’ve picked Graveyards. To me there’s something really quite beautiful about them, let alone all the different textures and colours available to snap. I’ve taken the majority of the photo’s on my DSLR, to showcase the techniques we’ve learnt over the past 9 weeks, but I wanted to take a few on film too, just to see how they would come out really. I also took a few snaps of my beautiful friend (nothing to do with the theme), she is ridiculously photogenic (hate chu) and I was pleasantly surprised at how they came out. I may even pop a few of them in my final project!
I haven’t edited or enhanced any of these images, as I wanted to show you how naturally beautiful film can be on it’s own. I had so much fun developing these in the dark room – although it does take an age to get it right! These ones are actually the original negatives from the camera – scanned on to my PC! Pretty nifty eh? I think I’ll pop down to boots on the weekend and get the rest developed properly.
This film camera is ancient, and as you can see has lots of scratches on the lens – but that’s something I really love, it gives that vintage feeling and I think adds character to the image. This was all shot on a standard 35mm black and white film. Although it is expensive to have films developed, and it’s not something we can all afford to do on a weekly basis, I think it’s lovely to have a go every once in a while, and there’s something really quite exciting about waiting for them to be ready, you never know what you’re going to get! Plus you can pick up film camera’s from your local charity shop for next to nothing!
What do you think? Did I do okay for my first attempt at Film photography? And would you like to see my final project when it's done? :)
New Love - Papier d´ Arménie
Recently I came across this pretty booklet that had a vintage design, it was called Papier d´Armenie (or incense paper from Armenia. Inside the booklet are papersheets, that are divided in serveral smaller strokes. You have to tear one of them, pleat it and burn it in a dish. The original Papier d´Armenie papers perfumes and deodorize cooking or smoking smells in your house in a natural and organic way. This company exsists over a 120 years and it´s french founder came across Benzoin during his travels in Armania. Benzoin is used for Papier d´Armenie, for it´s deodorizing and mood uplifting benefits.
Not only am i fond of the scent of it ( they have many diferent scented paper right now) the design is adorable and petite. It makes a sweet little gift to someone. I am burning a stroke each day and it leaves the house with a nice welcome home smell. Available here.
Breaking Dawn

my vampire outfit ^w^
Seit heute läuft nun der letzte Teil der Twilight Saga in den Deutschen Kinos (ich will lieber nicht wissen wie überfüllt die Frankfurter Kinos heute Abend sein werden ^3^). Ich werde mir den Film zur gegebener Zeit auch noch ansehen, aber momentan haben neue Projekte Vorrang. Nichtsdestotrotz habe ich mich heute morgen (einige Stunden nach Sonnenaufgang) spontan zu einem kleinen Outfit Shooting hinreißen lassen.
red eyes
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a swallow
eine Schwalbe
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